Chapter 14

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The sunlight hit waking him up from another fucking dream. He turned over in his sleep and his hands went over his face, the dream still fresh in his mind as he started to wake up. It had been a long time since that night in Mary Beth's kitchen, and he had forgotten all about the way Dax had acted.

He wanted to groan because even first thing in the morning, the shit that South had spewed was fresh in his head. But that was years ago, there was no way Dax had feelings for Addison now, he said he never did... and if he had, he was sure he would have known about it by now. He rubbed his eyes knowing it was just that son of a bitch's way of getting under his skin so his baby girl would think he was still a fucking train wreck... there was no way that shit that South had said was true!

He stared up at the ceiling trying to move on from what he was thinking, and thought about how his baby girl still reacted to his touch, or better yet how he got to taste that mouth of hers again. But then again he was just so fucking thankful that she didn't throw his ass out right out of the house when she saw him yesterday but instead invited him to stay the night. Just thinking about how ready her sweet little body was for him to take her, that made another part of his body wide awake, even if he wasn't. It looked like a cold ass shower was what was needed this morning.

When he was cleaned, dress, and not rock hard, he made his way back out to the front room to see Justin laying on the sofa. His little head on the pillow that Jimmy had been sleeping on, and the little guy was watching cartoons and sucking his thumb. He sat down next to him messing up his blond hair. "Hey kiddo, where's your momma at?" He asked but Justin's little eyes glanced up at him and didn't say anything. That's when J.W. came out from down the hall and sat in front of the TV. "Morning big man, where's your momma?" He asked, hoping to get an answer from the older one.

"She's getting dressed." Was all that was said.

Next thing he knew Addison walked out from down the hall wearing a thin little blue sun dress, and he thought he might have to go take another fucking cold shower. She quickly glanced over at him. "Good morning," she whispered, but walked by him to the kitchen before he could get a word out.

J.W. got up from the ground running after her. "Momma, can we have peanut butter and banana pancakes, please?" He asked.

"Sure, I think I can do that for you." She smiled and then went to get all the stuff. She started to mix up the batter, and J.W. didn't leave the kitchen, but instead went to a basket pulling out some coloring books and crayons and brought them to the table.

Jimmy sat there watching her and knew he better get his ass in there and make her feel more at ease, or it was going to be a long ass day trying to soften her and J.W. up. He got up from the sofa and Justin's little arms came up making noises at him to be picked up... so he did. He put Justin on his hip and then walked towards the kitchen as Justin laid his head on his shoulder. "Well, at least you like me." He smiled.

He put Justin down on a chair and gave him a coloring book and some crayons and walked over to the woman who was trying like hell to ignore him for some reason. She was next to the stove mixing in mashed bananas when he leaned up against the counter at her side. "Morning baby girl." He chuckled making her turn her head, and kissed her lips very softly. "You regretting that I'm here?" He asked.

That had her eyes go wide stopping what she was doing, and then shook her head. "No, I'm just a little nervous." She admitted.

"About what?" He asked, but she didn't answer. He turned off the burner and took her by the hand and pulled her to the entry way so they were out of sight of the kids. "Tell me what are you nervous about Addie?"

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now