Chapter 13

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California, the sign that there could be trouble brewing...

Jimmy had picked Addison up from school that day on his break from the gas station. Dax had offered to go pick her up for him, but Jimmy could never get enough of seeing his baby girl... especially now that him and all the guys were working their ass off to get this band going.

They'd been working on some deals to make a recording of their first album, and it was much harder than any of them thought it was going to be. Him, Dax, and Jones all worked as mechanics during the week, singing at some bar on the weekend, and Howie and Nickels still had a couple months left of High school. So, between practice, writing, seeing Addison was getting tougher, and tougher. But he made sure that he picked her and Tia up every day after school before he went back to work.

It was a Friday afternoon, and he got back to the gas station. He went into the pit to start on another car when Dax came in and started taking off some tires. "How's Addie?" Dax asked.

"She's good, I can't believe she's going to be a junior in the next couple months." He said shaking his head.

"Yeah, well at least you can see her more this summer." Dax offered.

"I'm hoping so... sometimes I wish we never left Mary's place just so I could see her every day." He admitted.

"Yeah, I bet you do!" Dax laughed.

"Damn straight, I could still be sneaking into her bedroom every night!" He laughed as the next car went over the pit for an oil change, and then his cell went off. "Yeah..."

"Hey, I've got some good news..." Nickels started.

"You little shit, did you cut class again. You're not going to have enough credits to graduate come June, you know that, right?" He laughed making Dax shake his head.

"Shut the hell up, I told Mary Beth I'm dropping out. I've got more important things going on than a fucking math class and shit, and I could give a shit if I graduate or not." Nic growled.

"Fine, then what's up?" Jimmy said with the crescent wrench in his hand

"That guy I bumped into at Chubby's when I was at work... he gave our CD to a guy named Scotty who liked it. He wants to see what more we can do." Nickels whispered, there was the sounds of people talking in the background.

"What, when?" He asked glancing out of the pit to where Dax was, and then snapped his fingers to get his attention.

"That's the thing, he likes the music but wants to know if we can do something not so hard core, and wants the new music in three days." Nickels explained.

"Three fucking days to change what we are, seriously? Can you see if he'll give us a week at least?" He groaned.

"What, what the hell is going on?" Dax asked.

"I already tried, it's three days or nothing, and this could get our foot in the door." Nickels stated.

"Yeah, I know..." He murmured.

"What the fuck is going on?" Dax growled.

"We might have a deal, but they want us to tone down the music so it's not so hard core." He sighed.

"How in the fuck do we do that?! We're an acid rock band!" Dax snapped.

"Tell Dax if he want's to be more than a grease monkey that plays in an acid rock band at some dive bar, we better come up with a fucking idea." Nickels growled.

Jimmy was quiet, but he knew there was no way in hell he wanted to be under someone's car the rest of his life. "Tell the guy he's got a deal. We will have four songs for him by the end of the week and they will be hard core rock, not acid. Do you think you can sell him on it?" He asked Nickels.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now