Chapter 20

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Getting Addison out of the house was a complete cluster fuck. She didn't park her truck in the garage because of all of the instruments. So they used the side door, hoping not to be seen getting into the car. But when they got into his rental, the group of reporters that had all hovered near the front ran over shouting questions and snapping photos while he tried to back up.

When they finally managed to break free, all of those assholes got into their cars and vans and started to give chase. He was so fucking grateful that the guys lived where they did because as soon as they got to the front gate and drove in... those bastards looking for clickbait were out in the fucking cold.

When they got to Jones place, he hurried to bring the bags upstairs. He was right in the middle of planning a conversation in his head when he turned around and saw Addison watching him. "Hey baby girl, everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit of a stomach ache is all. But I'm wondering what's going on. You seem upset about something?"

"What do you mean, you know why I'm pissed. Those fucking reporters."

"No, there's something more to it then the paparazzi. I can tell by the look on your face." She stated.

Damn it, she knew him too damn well. But he put a smile on and took her by the arms. "Baby girl, I'm fine. I was just enjoying being a regular guy for once and living a normal life with my woman." He answered, kissing her.

"Really, I mean, is that really what's going on?"

"Yes, that's all." He assured her when her hand went to her stomach. "Hey, what's wrong? Your stomach bugging you that much?"

"I think I got a stomach bug from the kids. I guess there's one going around at school." She sighed.

"Are the boys sick?"

"No, not yet, at least." She smiled, taking his hand and leading him downstairs. "I'm going to get myself a ginger ale..." She said, then glanced over her shoulder. "Who are you going to go see?"

"No one for you to worry about." He grinned, but that had her stop. "What?" He asked.

"Well, are you meeting with someone you shouldn't, or are you trying to keep who you're meeting a secret from me?" She asked, but he could see her body stiffen and her face pale telling him exactly where her thoughts had gone.

"Damn it, baby girl." He growled, pulling her back into his arms. He had a feeling it was going to take some time for her to fully trust him again... might as well have this beginning start off on the right foot. "I'm not hiding anything from you. So, don't go thinking I'm going to go meet up with some woman or some shit. I'm going over to talk to Dax, that's all. I've been trying to get ahold of his ass for a while now, but he won't call me back." He explained.

"Oh... is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine." He grinned.

"Okay, if you're sure."

"Yes, I'm sure. Now I'll be back in a little bit."

"Oh, I might have Margie drop me off at my place so I can pick up my truck. I still have to get to work and take the boys to school, and I can't do that on foot." She laughed.

"Baby girl, I don't think that's a good idea."

"I'll only have her drop me off if everyone is gone. Besides, they're probably looking for your rental truck, not Margie's minivan." She smiled.

"Yeah, okay... just keep your cell on you." He ordered.

"I will. Just go do your thing, and tell Dax I said hi." She smiled, getting on her tippy toes to give him a kiss before walking into the kitchen.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now