Chapter 25

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It was early Thursday morning when she woke up for the third time that night. Her thoughts of only two more days until she saw Jimmy and told him the news had been eating at her. She knew Lynn was right when she said to tell him right away about the pregnancy, but she didn't. So, instead, she had spent another long night, tossing and turning on what she was going to say when he saw her. And worst yet, it seemed that the more she procrastinated, the quicker her belly grew. Now when Jimmy walked in and saw her, he was going to know right away what she wanted to talk with him about... and that scared her to death.

She laid in bed, feeling the baby kicking inside her and stared up at the ceiling, trying to get her mind to stop racing. Justin had crawled into bed with her late last night and fell asleep, but now he was squirming under the covers, making it that much harder to get comfortable.

Her hand rubbed the growing stomach and sighed. "If I just told Jimmy when I found out, I wouldn't be torturing myself right now." She murmured and then glanced over at the alarm clock. "Already four a.m.... damn it. All I want to do is get a full eight hours of sleep."

She laid in bed for another hour, but soon her alarm went off, and it was time to get up and start her morning routine. She ran to the bathroom and threw up once her feet hit the floor, took her shower, got dressed, and then ate, before getting all the kids up and getting them ready for school.

Soon the morning was in full swing with five children all running around. Tia had big bags under her eyes when she came out of her bedroom with Ester, but at least got three hours of sleep that night. So while Tia cleaned up breakfast Addison was upstairs cleaning the syrup off Justin's face and out of his hair and then was going to work on braiding Ella's hair when the doorbell rang. "Tia, you got that?" She hollered.

"Yeah, I've got it," Tia yelled back.

Justin was cleaned, hair brushed, and making his way downstairs when she started to brush Ella's hair when her cell went off. She ran over to the bed and picked it up and saw it was Margie. "Hey, you, don't tell me... you're in labor." She chuckled, but there was no answer. "Margie, you okay?" She asked, only to hear gasps of air and sobbing. "Margie, do you need me to call 911?" She asked as her heart raced, putting Ella down and ran to find her shoes so she could head to Margie's.

"Addison, he did it again!" Margie sobbed. "He did it to me again... that son of a bitch! After everything we've been through!"

"Margie, sweetie, what are you talking about?" She asked, but then an ear-piercing scream came from downstairs.

The phone dropped from her hand as she hurried down the stairs. "Tia, Tia, what's wrong?"

When she ran into the kitchen, Tia was lying on the floor, crying. "What the hell is going on?" She asked, glancing up and seeing little ones with terrified looks on their faces. "Okay, guys, everything is fine. So just go back into the front room and watch some cartoons until it's time for school." She said with a smile. But none of them moved. "Girls, I promise everything is okay. Mommy is just tired."

The girls all had tears streaming down their faces, so she got up and brought them into the front room. "Why don't you guys watch some cartoons. I'll come and get you when it's time for school." She smiled.

When she walked back to the kitchen, her heart was racing. From the sound of Margie and the sight of Tia, she was wondering if something terrible had happened to the guys. She picked up the cell that was on the floor next to Tia and closed her eyes. "Hello?"

"Ad, is that you?" Mindy's voice asked.

Her hand went over her chest, taking a breath. "Oh my gosh, Mindy, I thought something had happened to the guys." She smiled, but then frowned at the sight of Tia still on the floor. "What's going on, what happened. Was there an accident? Are the guys hurt?" She asked.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now