Chapter 16

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It had been a long time since he had thought about the day him and the guys got signed, and the day he proposed and made love to Addison for the first time. His dreams normally haunted him every damn minute of the day for the past eight years, but the dream last night was different. It reminded him how fucking badly he wanted his baby girl and how long she made him wait. She was never one that could be rushed into something... then last night came rushing back to him.

Damn it just thinking about how her sweet little body reacted to him; he was already hard. But if he knew his baby girl, that was great for getting what he wanted, but not in making her want to take him back into her life permanently. "Shit." He groaned, rubbing his hands over his face.

Last night Addison had fallen asleep next to him as they watched T.V., and soon after that, he fell asleep with his arm wrapped around her. But now he realized he was all alone on the sofa.

He sat up taking a quick look around the quiet house making up his mind that he needed to slow the fuck down, or things could go sideways for him like they did after she took him back the first time.

As he thought things over in his head on what he could do with Addison and the boys for the day, his cell started to ring on the kitchen counter. He hurried over to pick it up, not wanting to wake up anyone, when he saw who it was. "What the hell Jones, you want to wake up the whole damn house calling this early in the morning?" He asked, in hushed tones.

"Shut the hell up man, everyone is going to be up in like fifteen minutes. My crew is already up and getting started on breakfast." Jones chuckled.

"So, then what the hell do you want?"

"Go get your ass ready; I'm heading over to pick up you up and meet the guys at the gym. Our women have a big day of shopping and getting shit for the kids for school... unless it's that kind of shit that turns your ass on now." Jones laughed.

"Damn, I was thinking of taking Addie and the boys out for lunch and a movie." He admitted.

"Not today you're not. It's an all-day thing getting clothing and things for the new school year... plus with my crew, it takes a little longer. And, they're taking Tia's kids because from what I hear, she's about ready to pop." Jones informed him.

"Man, what the hell is up with you and Howie and knocking your women up?" He sighed, but then nodded. "Yeah, I'll be ready. I just got up, so give me ten."

"I'll tell you all about knocking up my woman when I pick you up." Jones laughed.

"I'd rather you not!" He chuckled before hanging up.

He put down his cell and picked up a pair of shorts and a tank top from his bag before heading to the bathroom. Once he was down the hall, he looked in on the boys, who were getting restless even though they were still sleeping, and then gave a small knock on Addison's door. When she didn't answer, he peeked in to see she wasn't in bed but heard the shower running. "Damn it; I wanted to talk to her before I go." He murmured, shutting the door.

Soon he was out of the shower, and ready to go. When he got out of the bathroom, he saw that Addison's door was still closed and swore under his breath. There was so much he needed to say, and make sure she wasn't upset about last night... or that she didn't want to throw his ass out on the streets because of it. So, with a shake of his head, he went to the front room to see J.W. and Justin sitting on the floor watching cartoons, and Jones' ass sitting on the sofa watching them along with the kids. "People would be fucking amazed if they saw our asses when we're not in the spotlight." He chuckled under his breath.

Jones glanced up and smiled, getting up from the sofa. "About time, I was about to have J.W. see if you fell into the toilet or something."

"I told your as... I mean, I told you I just got up." He informed, remembering that swearing was not permitted in the house around little ears.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now