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5 Years Ago...

Ryoma Echizen was playing in a tournament when someone had swiftly yet quietly walked past him. He recognized them to be his next opponent and sighed restlessly. He hoped this match wouldn't be so boring.

When it was time to have the match, he noticed that he was playing a girl. Echizen Ryoma played her like any other person, not playing easy nor underestimating her strength. After relentless receives and returns going back and forth, each taking a point for one lost; it was a very close match, however Ryoma came out as the victor and moved up into the next bracket...

Soon enough, the whole tournament was over, the young tennis player coming out as the overall champion. After the ceremony, he ran around in search of the female he had versed once before. After running for a bit, he found her laying outside in the grassy park.

"Hey! You're the girl I faced earlier in the tournament right?" He recalled, his cat-like yes boring into the girl's as she looked up at his question.

Taking a good look at him, he was pretty handsome. He had black hair, ends tinted green that were dark like emeralds, and his eyes. They were a captivating gold hue that were cat-like shaped as well. Sitting up, she nodded in confirmation.

"I'm Yuri Sakuri," She introduced, holding her hand out for him to shake. He accepted it with a gentle smile of his own.

"Ryoma Echizen," He greeted back.

They chatted for a bit, finding each other close enough to be acknowledged as friends, before Yuri had to go, but they exchanged contacts so that they could continue talking.

TIme Skip (4 years)

Ryoma had gotten home after a day out with Yuri. He was hanging out with her, when his mom called him home for dinner and some important news.

"I'm home~" He called out. His parents came into the living room, giving him some short welcomes before ushering him in to chat with them on the couch.

"Ryoma. I'm so sorry, but we've decided to move back to Japan," his father announced. Ryoma sat there in shock, part of him was happy to go somewhere new. However, one thing kept him hesitant, Yuri. His best friend and other half.

"W-what about Yuri! Can't I stay with her?" Ryoma cried. His parents could only shake their heads in denial.

"We can't leave you here. Our flight is in 2 days, you can go see Yuri and tell her about it. We've packed your things already and dinner's on the table," His mother, Rinko, said.

Distraught and unsatisfied with the circumstances, Ryoma stood up and without saying a word ran to his room, slamming the door behind him. Leaned up against his now closed door, he let out his tears freely. The salted droplets running down his cheeks and dripping off. He let his tears fall as he slid down against the door.

He didn't want to leave his best friend. He wasn't going to hold his feelings for who knows how long before he can see her again. He decided that something was needed to be done, and he had just the idea... 

The next day, he had met up with Yuri and she was excited to hang out with Ryoma. Yuri, having keen eyesight and sharp senses, noticed that Ryoma was a bit more down than usual. She stopped walking, Ryoma halting next to her, looking at her in confusion.

"What's wrong Ryo~" Yuri asked worriedly. She was concerned; something wasn't right and she could easily tell by his facial expressions. Ryoma sighed as he faced her, noticing that there was something in her hand.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now