Chapter 43

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Yuri gave Senri a sly grin as she placed her racquet on her shoulder. "Well, I'm surprised you don't know the Princess," Yuri smirked. Shitenhoji's regulars seemed to have realized it because their eyes widened.

"Y-You..." Shiraishi stuttered.

Yuri's smirk widened as she closed her eyes. She began to levitate off the floor and it felt as if the temperature had dropped a couple degrees because it felt as if they were in Antartica. They looked towards Yuri to find her eyes an icy blue color.

Tezuka knew what was going on with Yuri, so he didn't freit too much over it. They continued their game, Tezuka and Yuri working well together and eventually winning without letting the other team gain a single point.

"1-6, match and game, Seigaku wins," The umpire announced. Yuri and Tezuka shook hands with the doubles' opponents before leaving the courts.

Everyone was about to leave when Kinatarou began to throw a hissy fit, "Shiraishi~ Why can't I play my match against Koshimae!"

Yuri rolled her eyes at his childish antics and tried to keep her composure, resisting the urge to completely knock out the little kid. It seemed Shiraishi got the understanding that Yuri and a few others were getting tired of his whining, so he tried to reason with Kinatarou.

"Kinatarou, the game ended and we lost. We can't play a game against Echizen. Maybe some other time," Shiraishi explained. It seemed like Kinatarou was still stubborn because he then ran towards Ryoma, knocking Yuri over in the process.

"Koshimae, play me a game! It'll be a one point match!" Kinatarou pleaded. Yuri was tired with him but noticed someone's hand in front of her. She looked up to see Momoshiro with a concerned facial expression. Yuri took his hand and thanked him as she pulled herself up.

Ryoma looked bored as ever, but decided to look at Tezuka for an answer. Tezuka wanted this to be done and over so he nodded. Ryoma sighed and nodded back and said, "Fine, but next time you better watch it. You shoved my fiance and that isn't cool."

It seemed like Kinatarou was ignoring the fact that he shoved Yuri because he then got ready on his side. "You serve Koshimae!" Kinatarou yelled.

Ryoma rolled his eyes, but doing so only made him notice Yuri. It wasn't the fact that her hands were gripped into fists or that her teeth were clenched and she pretty much seemed to have an irk mark above her head. No, it was her eyes that gave her away. Her eyes were a ruby red, but they weren't just ruby but there was a bloodshot tint to them.

They began to rally, but the rally went on for a lot longer than expected. The 2 freshmen played the one rally for over 40 minutes and Ryoma then had hit the ball in a very odd way. The ball then had hit the net's wire and dust had been kicked up from the ground.

When it all cleared, the ball was split in half, one half on each courtside. Yuri sighed as she then walked off the courts and towards the bathrooms. On her way there, she didn't notice that someone was following her.

"Hey." ??? called out.

Yuri yelped in surprise, seeing as she hadn't noticed the person behind her. She turned around to find Fuji standing behind her with a small smile. Yuri sighed as she put her hand over her chest.

"Fuji~sempai, you scared me..." Yuri huffed. Fuji chuckled and patted her head.

"I'm sorry," He apologized.

Yuri simply nodded and said, "Fine. I forgive you, but why did you follow me?"

"Well, Ryoma noticed you left in a really bad mood so he asked if I could find you while he tries to stop Kinatarou from being annoying," Fuji explained as he rubbed his nape.

"Well, I'm fine, just needed to get away from that annoying child," Yuri grumbled. Fuji shook his head and turned around.

"Well, we should probably be getting back, so come on," Fuji reminded. Yuri smiled and nodded as they began to walk back to the others.

When they got back, Ryoma was waiting with the other Seigaku players and noticed Yuri's return. He ran up to her, engulfing her in a tight embrace. "The kid is gone, don't worry," Ryoma whispered into her eyes.

"Finally," Yuri mumbled. Ryoma smiled and held her closer.

They broke the hug before holding hands as Yuri noticed Shiraishi approaching them. "You need something?" Yuri asked bluntly.

Shiraishi bowed as he apologized. "I'm so sorry for my teammate's behavior. It was uncalled for and I'm deeply sorry."

Yuri sighed as she looked Shiraishi in the eye, "It's fine, just make sure he doesn't act like that again or I'm not going to sit idly next time." Shiraishi nodded and left, letting Yuri release a sigh of relief.

"Let's go celebrate at Kawamura's Sushi!" Eiji exclaimed. Yuri's mood noticeably improved since she began to smile and pulled RYoma along with her as she dashed out of the courts.

"Last one there is a rotten tennis ball!" Yuri exclaimed. That sent most of the team running with Yuri and Ryoma in the lead.

By the time they got to the restaurant, Yuri was slightly sweating. Once everyone got there, they entered the restaurant with Kawamura's father greeting them happily.

"Let's celebrate!" Momoshiro exclaimed as he pumped his fist into the air. Eiji joined him as everyone began finding a place to sit at their large table.

Kawamura's father began to bring out different plates of sushi, making sure to separate the wasabi and normal sushi as usual.

Yuri was happy to play this time and she felt like she actually deserved the food this time. Usually she felt a little guilty for eating when she hadn't played against one of the opponents.

They ate and talked, a few jokes being made here and there, but at the end of the night, everyone had felt stuffed and began to take their leave as they got ready for their match the next day.

Yuri and Ryoma left a little earlier than most of the other regulars, but that's probably because Yuri had a lot on her mind. Yuri felt not only worry for the matches, but she felt that something out of the ordinary was going to happen the next day, but Yuri couldn't tell what it was. 

When they got back home, they did their nightly routine and eventually fell asleep in each other's arms as they rested up for their match against Rikkaidai... 

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