Chapter 2

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2 Weeks Later...

(Yuri's POV..)

It was finally the day that we were going to be going to Japan. We were on the plane right now, and I was eager to see Ryo. I mean, I haven't seen him in a year, so I'm excited to see how much he's grown. Actually, if he's grown at all... I was pulled out of my thoughts by my brother calling me...

"i... Yuri... Yuri, come on!" Kazuto called. I shook my head, and smiled. The plane had landed, and we were getting our luggage. I grabbed mine, and was waiting for Kazuto when I saw Asuna standing on the side waiting for us. I didn't see Ryoma, and I was kinda sad.

I told Kazuto that I saw Asuna, and he asked where. I pointed in her direction and he smiled. We waked over and the first thing they did was hug each other. I heard Yui's voice from the small device on Asuna's shoulder and smiled.

"Hey Yui! Miss me?" I asked. I heard a gasp and a she seemed excited.

"Of course I did! I also missed Daddy!" Yui replied. I nodded and next thing I know I'm shoved to the ground.

"I missed you," someone mumbled. I recognize that voice...

"RYO!" I exclaimed, hugging him.

He got up, helping me up, and I hugged him again, this time, we didn't fall to the floor.

"Long time no see Yuri!" He said, hugging me back. I looked past Ryoma to see Asuna smiling.

"You guys should go explore or something. I need to talk with Kirito," Asuna said. We broke away from the hug, and nodded.

"Leave your luggage with me sis. I'll take it to the house," Kazuto told me. I nodded, but took out my longboard and my skateboard, handing Ryoma my skateboard.

"Here. We'll get around faster, plus it'll be more fun!" I chirped. He smiled and nodded, taking the skateboard from my hands.

We said a small 'goodbye' to Asuna, Yui, and Kazuto before skating off. Well, we didn't skate in the airport, but we did start skating when we got closer to his neighborhood.

"Hey Ryo, remember our promise?" I asked. I hope he didn't forget.

"Yeah I remember it. Plus, you didn't give me a welcome kiss," Ryoma teased. I blushed bright red, but gave him a small peck on the lips before starting to skate off. He laughed and started skating behind me.

(I know Jeju is in Korea, but I thought this was the best one so far...)

While skating, I didn't notice that we were skating towards his school. I looked at the placque and it read, "Seishun Gakuen".

"This is our school!" Ryo commented. I smiled and took his hat, skating into the school with him following behind.

"Catch me if you can Ryo~" I teased.

"Come back here!" Ryo called out.

I laughed as I skated around the school and into the tennis courts. Of course, I was doing tricks but I had done them just to tease Ryoma. I didn't notice we had an audience as I was to occupied with skating away from Ryoma...

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now