Chapter 34

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On the day of the first match line-ups for the Nationals, Yuri had checked that everyone was present. Yuri was pleased that no one was late or had a problem on their way to their meeting point. Yuri checked the list and saw that Seigaku wasn't facing any opponent in the first round. 

When she informed the team of this, they nodded and soon agreed to go watch another school's match for the time-being. They decided to watch Hyotei's match and came around Atobe Keigo's match. He used his special move Rondo towards Destruction and Yuri noticed something off. 

Atobe's eyes looked icy and it looked like the opponent couldn't move. She then put the pieces together, her eyes widening as the angel took control, whispering loud enough so that the regulars that were near her could hear...

"Insight..." She mumbled. Tezuka, who was standing next to her, looked down at the girl with curiosity, but he noticed something. Her eyes were gold. Tezuka turned his attention back to the match, thinking that he would ask about it later in private.

"Yuri, what did you say?" Inui asked. He was near her, but he thought he heard wrong.

"Atobe Keigo, the Hyotei tennis captain is gifted with Insight. His insight is that he can see a person's complete blind-spots and use that to his advantage. He's a strong opponent, but once he faces Ryoma, all hell will break loose..." the angel commented, using Yuri as her host. The others were confused as to what she meant...

Hell breaking loose? Insight? What does it mean that he could see a person' complete blind spots? When would this happen?

Yuri's eyes flickered back to their natural forest-green and Yuri's felt light-headed. Soon she got herself together and didn't faint this time. Ryoma pulled Yuri towards himself, going to the vending machines for a drink. Ryoma asked what she wanted and she asked for an iced coffee can. Ryoma got both his Ponta and Yuri's requested drink and was about to walk back to the others when he heard someone behind him.

"Is that Koshimae!!!" ???

Yuri and Ryoma thought the person was talking about someone else since they both didn't have "koshimae" in their name. They were wrong though as Ryoma suddenly was tackled and fell to the floor. Luckily, Yuri caught Ryoma's Ponta since he threw it by accident.

"Dude get off me," Ryoma snarled. He wasn't happy that his drink was knocked out of his hand. Yes, Yuri caught it, but he didn't like that this kid was also being another Eiji glomping person.

"Why Koshimae? You're my favorite player!" the kid whined. Yuri was getting annoyed so she decided to intervene.

"Ey! Kid, get off him," Yuri growled. Hearing someone next to him, the kid looked up in her direction.

"Fine. I'm his best friend though!" Kintaro huffed. Yuri was annoyed so she one-upped him...

"Yeah and what does that have to do with getting off Ryoma? If anything, I'm his fiance," Yuri remarked, sticking her tongue out at him. Ryoma chuckled at her silly antics when a guy with a large arm bandage came over to them.

"Kintaro! Let's go. We have our match to play," the guy yelled. Yuri sighed in relief that this kid had to leave.

"Fine. I'll play you soon Koshimae. Girly, I don't care! I need to leave right now so I'll chat with you when I see you again. Bye!" Kintaro said, running off to join the guy, who Yuri recognized to be Shirashi, as they walked back to their team for their next match.

Yuri and Ryoma regrouped with the regulars, surprising them as the team didn't notice that they had left for a while. Some knew or noticed, but most were too focused on the matches that were being played for them to care or notice Yuri and Ryoma's disappearance.

Once matches were done, Tezuka told everyone to continue practicing because their next match was with a dirty-playing tennis team who was from the school, Higa-chu. One thing Yuri knew was that Ryoma was going to be paired with a guy who was definitely going to be getting arrogant remarks from Ryoma before and during their match...

The rest of the day went by in a breeze seeing as Yuri and the regulars were playing and practicing. Yuri wanted to show the boys something so she called for Fuji.

"You needed me?" Fuji asked. Yuri smirked and nodded. She pointed towards a courtside and he walked over there, waiting for her next instructions.

"Play me," Yuri said. She had taken off her weights for the day and changed her jacket to be a little more light. Yuri began moving and everyone was confused. Fuji and Yuri then began a match with one another, but when Fuji hit a ball far from her position, something happened.

Yuri did a back-hand flip and hit the ball over the net. Seeing as this was a good opportunity, Fuji used his 2nd counter, Higuma Otoshi, and it was hit high into the air. Knowing this move all too well, Yuri then began to pirouette towards the ball. Once she hit the ball, she then began to use ball change steps to get to the lobbed ball from Fuji.

Using many different steps and dance routines, Yuri was able to win the match. Fuji was somewhat tired, but it didn't compare to how worn-out Yuri was. Yuri had been drenched in sweat and she was on the floor with her shoes off. She used a few ballet steps, but she forgot to wear her ballet shoes so she almost hurt one of her toenails. She could tell that she was about to hurt herself so she stopped using ballet moves for a while until she felt her feet were okay for that kind of dancing again.

"What was that?" Eiji asked.

"It's called D-stepping. In other words, you dance to play tennis. You never walk or run, instead you use dance steps to get to a ball, return it, or even catch the ball. No one has been able to break my dance routine and that's because my dancing is a mixture of not only hip-hop and ballet, but also a mixture of jazz, classical, country, and even contemporary," Yuri explained nonchalantly.

"Could you teach me how to do that? Nya~" Eiji asked.

"Do you mind breaking your toenails multiple times?" Yuri asked innocently. Eiji regretted his words and quickly shook his head.

"No! I don't want to hurt my feet! Nya~" Eiji complained, clutching onto Oishi's jersey. Oishi sighed before petting his friend on the head as he tried to get his jersey free from Eiji's grasp.

After getting everyone to calm down and set, Yuri told them that they have to meet back at their meeting point for their match against Higa-chu members. The group dispersed and soon everyone was at their own house, asleep and recharging for the next match of Nationals. 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now