Chapter 32

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A little while later, Yuri and Ryoma were woken up by Nanako for dinner. Yuri and Ryoma trotted down the stairs to the kitchen where everyone was eating. They sat down at the dinner table, thanking Rinko before digging into their dinner.

After eating, Yuri and Ryoma went back to their room. Yuri grabbed her phone to message everyone to meet her and Ryoma tomorrow on the tennis courts for something. Putting her phone back into the charger station next to Ryoma's. She then went to change into her pajamas before jumping into bed to join Ryoma who was waiting for her under the comforters.

Ryoma kissed Yuri's forehead before wrapping his arm around her waist. They snuggled into each other for warmth and fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day, everyone had met up at Seigaku at Yuri's previous request via message. The team was utterly confused, but excited to find out why Yuri wanted them to meet up with her. Once everyone had gathered at the courts when Yuri and Ryoma came into view. Eiji called them over, waving frantically as they walked over.

Yuri had hid the jewel of her ring and Ryoma's ring was hidden since their hands were interlocked. Yuri had a large smile on her face while Ryoma was smirking. This wasn't usually an odd sight, but it looked odd because Yuri was seemingly happier than usual. Fuji was the first to notice...

"Hey Yuri, why are you so happy?" Fuji asked. Yuri looked at him and smiled.

"What's wrong with being happy?" Yuri asked. Fuji smiled and nodded, dismissing her attitude.

The couple then stood in front of everyone, fixing their rings to show. Knowing that EIji was probably going to question them, Yuri decided to make the announcement...

"We're engaged!" Yuri exclaimed, raising both Ryoa's and her own hands. Eiji squealed, jumping up and glomping onto Yuri. She smiled at his reaction, turning away from Eiji to see what the others' reactions were.

Fuji was smiling, Takamura and a few of the others were patting Ryoma on the back, saying a few encouraging words. Tezuka didn't know since he was still going through rehabilitation in Germany. Inui was taking notes per usual and Kaido was smirking, but Yuri knew he was happy for them.

"I'm so happy for you guys!!!!" Eiji yelled, bouncing around the courts. Yuri smiled and thanked him, her cheeks dusted a light pink.

"I hope we're invited as well, Ryoma?" Fuji hinted, his voice sounding sadistic.

Yuri nodded, explaining the whole ordeal. Though it was an arranged marriage, the team was still happy for the newly-engaged couple. Takamura offered to supply sushi for catering and the others offered to help with planning and decorations. Yuri thanked them for the kind offers, promising that she'd talk it over with her parents.

For the rest of the day, Yuri and the rest of the guys hung out and chatted around in the tennis courts. Yuri knew a simple surprise was around the gates and when Ryoma found out he told the others.

Everyone soon stood in front of the gate, debating on who would hit it to see what the surprise was. Yuri got tired of their bickering and yelled at them to just settle it with a simple game of tennis and then whoever is the winner gets to open the surprise behind the gates.

That's what led to a chain reaction of matches between the regulars. Fuji didn't want to do it, so he watched the whole thing and was umpire for a few of the matches. Eventually Ryoma won so now here they stood, Ryoma tennis racquet and a ball in hand ready to serve it. Yuri told him that he had to direct it at the gate's lock handle to reveal the surprise.

Ryoma was just about to serve the ball when they heard a familiar voice call out to them... 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now