Chapter 42

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Ryoma felt touched and reassured by her words. For the past few days, he felt unsure about how Yuri still feels about him. Not to mention that they haven't gone on more than one date. He kissed her cheek before standing up, holding his hand out for her to use as an assistance to stand up.

Yuri took his hand, pulling herself up with a little assistance from Ryoma. They continued on their way back to the house before getting an earful for being out so late. When they got to the house, they went up to their room, dropping their stuff near the door.

Ryoma went to shower while Yuri went over a few things for their match against Shitenhoji. This time, Yuri knew that if they won this match then they were going to be playing against Rikkaidai. Not to mention that if they do play Rikkaidai the 2nd time... both team captains were going to be playing, but something Tezuka said about that match a while ago while they chatted in the hospital was bugging her...

"I want Ryoma to face Seiichi." Tezuka requested.

"Why? I remember that last time he faced Sanda~kun and Ryoma almost went to the hospital..." Yuri protested.

"Yes, but I think that he can break from his father's tennis if he plays this match. I know you want to keep him safe and he's dealt with pretty much hell in his match with Atobe Keigo, but I know that he won't go through that again. I have a feeling that this will be different," Tezuka reasoned.

Yuri was hesitant about this but after a bit of thinking she said, "F-Fine. I... I guess he can play against Yukimura~kun. I will intervene if it gets out of hand and you can't do anything about it though..." Tezuka nodded in agreement.

Yuri shook her head of the memory before checking over the match lineup again. Yuri hadn't played in the nationals yet, so not many knew of Yuri unless they played in the matches against Seigaku in which Yuri got to play. To make it known that they were winning with a girl on the team and to make sure the boys knew to never underestimate girls, Yuri was going to be playing in the next match. She was going to be playing Doubles 1 with Tezuka against Chitose Senri and Zaizen Hikaru.

She was lost in thought when she felt someone shake her. She looked in the direction of the person who shook her to find Ryoma who was drying his wet hair. "You need something?" Yuri asked sweetly.

"Your turn to shower babe," Ryoma answered nonchalantly. Yuri blushed at the nickname but nodded and went to shower. Once she finished, she changed into a simple pair of shorts and Ryoma's hoodie. She dried her hair before brushing and braiding it. She walked back into the bedroom to find Ryoma laying under the covers as he scrolled through his phone.

Yuri joined him, Putting her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her waist. He put his phone to the side as he turned to Yuri, noticing how she wore his hoodie. "That's mine isn't it?" He guessed. Yuri pouted and nodded.

Ryoma chuckled at her cute antics and asked, "Can I have it back?"

Yuri shook her head, crossing her arms around her chest, saying, "Nope. I'll only give it back to you when we break up."

Ryoma chuckled and said, "Well, I guess I'm never getting it back then." Yuri smiled and snuggled closer to Ryoma as they fell asleep, resting their bodies for the match against Shitenhoji tomorrow...

The Next Day...

Ryoma and Yuri were waiting with a few of the guys for the last regulars to arrive. Once they did, the team checked in and walked over to the courts to get ready for their matches.

The first match Fuji against a guy named Shirashi. He put up a good fight and the problem with this though was that Fuji's usual returns were being sealed so quickly. in the end, he had revealed about 5-6 different returns, but they all were sealed. In the end, Fuji lost. It was the first time that he lost and that meant that everything rode on the next match.

Yuri tried to comfort Fuji as the next match went on. It was Kaido and Momoshiro versus Yuuji and Koharu. After a while, they won their match, ending it with a score of 6-7 in Seigaku's favor. Then it was Singles 2 which was Kawamura verse Ishida Gin.

This match was very intense and it was revealed that Ishida was the original creator of the move and he had 108-109 levels of it. In the end, Kawamura won, but he had broken ribs, ruined wrist, and major injuries. Luckily, Yuri got someone to take him to the hospital and got ready for her match with Tezuka.

Tezuka wasn't one who usually played doubles, but he wanted to test it out and the most compatible tennis style was Yuri's. Yuri played as an all-rounder, but she could play any style though too. Yuri decided to tell Tezuka about her small... plan.

"Tezuka~buchou, I know it's a really risky move, but could we throw away the 1st game to observe the other team? I want to see what would be best to play as for not only you, but for myself as well," Yuri whispered. Tezuka thought over it for a bit before nodding.

"I'll follow your lead this time," Tezuka informed. Yuri was surprised but nodded eagerly.

So that's what they did, they used the 1st game to understand their opponent's playing style and Yuri found a hole in their teamwork. "Tezuka~buchou, they're good, but the thing about this is that they aren't as aware of me as they are of you. I can do different things to gain points and you could use Tezuka Zone to help with getting the balls," Yuri explained. Tezuka nodded and got in position.

Yuri then served and the boys seemed to have underestimated Yuri because they hit the ball too hard, seeing as it originally was a Polar Serve. They didn't expect it so it was definitely a shocker to them. Yuri served it again, but this time it was a heavy ball.

Chitose had tried to return it, but his racquet flew out of his hand. He looked up in fear and said...

"W-Who are you?"  

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