Chapter 7

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Ryoma thought about it before he gave me a nod. On the other hand, I hadn't noticed that everyone else was shocked at my serve. I walked over to Ryoma, taking his hat and placing it on my head.

"What the hell was that!" Momo~senpai shrieked. I turned my attention to him, smiling at his shocked reaction. I turned on my heels, walking back onto the court.

"Ask Ryoma! I'm going to continue my match!" I yelled back.

I prepared to serve again and it seemed like Arai thought that my serve was a joke, so he still had a smirk on his face. "Hey! That's just a fluke. Serve like a normal person you idiot!"

That comment made me enraged and I gripped the tennis ball a little tighter. I thought that this guy couldn't get any worse before but he just crossed the line. I immediately threw the ball into the air and as I positioned to hit, everyone yelled out something that I guessed was just the title of this serve.


I hit the ball and it bounced to hit Arai's face, but the thing was that it didn't just bruise his cheek, but it also cut his face a little. I smiled as I felt my anger dissipate, knowing that I didn't need to hurt him further.

I used the same serve that I had originally shown at the beginning of the match. Seeing that I was going to use the mysterious serve from before the others turned to Ryoma, hoping he'd give them the name. Hearing him mumble the name made me smile.

"It's called the Polar Serve," He mumbled. They looked back at my serve and they saw why it was called that.

Apparently Inui was able to get Ryoma to explain how it works and I was just minding my own business as I continued the match. I won my service game, which seemed to infuriate Arai.

It was Arai's service game, and when he served, people said it was his "Bullet Serve." I thought it was slow and weak, so not really putting much effort, I hit it back with a lob. We rallied a bit, but I fooled him into thinking I would hit a dunk shot, but quickly changed my racquet positioning resulting in hitting a short shot.

We continued to play in similar patterns for the next few match points until he hit a cross-court shot, thinking I couldn't reach it in time. I proved him wrong using a dash-like move to reach it. Ryoma says it's called the "Sonic Dash", but I just call it a speed dash. The others seemed surprised at the increase of my speed, and the fact that it didn't seem to affect my stamina.

We finished the match, the score being 0-6 in my favor. Arai seemed tired, but it won't compare with what I make him do as a punishment. I walked up to the net, my eyes glaring holes into him. He looked up, his face drenched in sweat.

"I win. Now~ do you think I'm weak and unfit for the spot on the team?" I asked in a threatening tone. He immediately shook his head.

Tezuka~buchou walked over to the courts, his shadow looming over both me and Arai. Arai looked up to his captain with fear and embarrassment. Tezuka~buchou gave him a hard glare as he spoke, "Arai. You lost and you know what that means."

Arai nodded and was about to run laps but Tezuka~buchou stopped him. Arai was confused but realised his mistake as Tezuka~buchou looked at me. It was like Arai was even more terrified because he went pale.

I looked at Ryoma, a signal for him to get my supplies. He understood and walked towards my bag, grabbing a few weightballs, a buzzer, and brought them to me. Arai was utterly confused as to why Ryoma brought those things to me.

I turned to Fuji~senpai and asked, "Hey Fuji~senpai!" He turned to look at me with his signature smile.

"Yes?" He asked. I smirked and walked over to him, whispering to him what I needed.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now