Chapter 30

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It was finally summer break, but Yuri and the Seigaku tennis regulars weren't prepared for how eventful it was going to turn out to be...

Yuri and the team went to see Tezuka in Germany to see how he was doing with rehab, but they also went to give Tezuka the trophy and medal for winning the Kanto Tournament. At first, Tezuka declined receiving the medal and trophy, but with a bit of Yuri's puppy eyes and persuasion, he accepted them.

Yuri had finally won the argument with Tezuka, mentioning that he had been with the team through everything even if he wasn't there for the finals. She also reminded him that even if he didn't play, he was still watching through the streaming on Yuri's phone.

After that chaos, Tezuka started the tour with the team, showing them around his rehab facilities and a few places in Germany. While they were touring the areas, Yuri and the team were told by Tezuka that he wanted them to meet his physical trainer, but the meeting with Tezuka's trainer didn't go as expected...

Ryoma had wandered off, pulling Yuri along with him. Doing so, they separated themselves from the group. Ryoma was craving Ponta so he was looking for a vending machine that sold it, not knowing that it was called Fanta instead due to Fanta being the original name and version of Ponta. Eventually, they headed back towards the rehabilitation center and while they wandered the center's facilities, they unknowingly had bumped into Tezkua's sport's trainer, Hannah. At the time, she was helping someone else through a rehab session.

Knowing a lot more about the names and backgrounds of many tennis pros, Ryoma seemed to have already understood who she is, or to be more accurate; who she was. So being the tennis addict Ryoma was, he persuaded her into playing a match with him. When Tezuka and the rest of Seigaku's regulars found the couple, Ryoma was playing a match with Hannah.

After playing the match, Ryoma thought of doing something nice for the lady since she was helping Tezuka with rehab and being part of his miracle to play tennis again. Using few but meaningful words, he had reinvigorated Hannah to go for pro again.

During all of this, Yuri didn't do much to interfere with the situation and match nor did she seem to have any intentions of stopping the match, but she did introduce herself at least to Hannah before making herself seem like a creep or a stalker. Sadly the team had to leave back to Japan, but not without getting some interesting news...

Yuri and Ryoma had just gotten back from seeing Tezuka in Germany with the team and were heading home together. While they were walking back, Yuri's call ringer went off...

"Hi Mom"

"Hi Sweetheart! I heard about your new relationship with Ryoma"

"Y-Yeah. Um, why'd you call? Not that I'm unhappy about it or the likes.

I mean, I remember that I had called you and dad about a week ago..."

"Right. Well, we have some things to announce

to both you and Ryoma. Right now, I'm in Japan

with your father. We'll be waiting for you both.

We're with his parents waiting at their house..."

"Okay Mom! Ryo and I are on our way there

right now, so I'll see you there! Love you!"

"Love you too. See you soon sweetheart!"

*Beep. Beep*

Yuri pulled the phone away from her ear as the phone call ended, placing it back in her pocket. She turned to Ryoma, explaining what had gone on in the phone call. Ryoma understood, giving her a slight nod in understanding. Yuri smiled and grabbed RYoma's hand as they continued walking, soon reaching the Echizen household.

"Tadaima!" the couple hollered in sync. They took their shoes off, going to the living room to find both Yuri and Ryoma's parents sitting there and chatting. Noticing their children's arrival, they looked to see the 2 freshmen standing in the doorway.

"Both of you come sit with us. We have a few announcements to make," Rinko motioned, patting the space on the couch next to her. Following her instructions, they both sat down, Yuri sitting on Ryoma's thigh because of the lack of spacing.

"Okay. Now that the 2 of you are here, we want to say that..." Nanjiro started, "You both are getting married!"

Yuri and Ryoma both went into shock, not just because they found out that they would be getting married, but because their parents were planning this without them...

"W-Wait. Aren't we still too young?" Yuri finally asked. She was astonished, yes, but she was also happy that she was going to be with Ryoma at another level.

"I mean... you both love each other a lot right?" Yuri's mom asked.

"Of course.." Ryoma answered defensively. He knew how to act when around Yuri's parents, but he wasn't too happy that they had doubted his affections for Yuri. Yes, it was probably just a teasing question, but he couldn't help but become possessive and defensive of Yuri and his affections for her.

"Yeah. He's my everything!" Yuri answered, cuddling closer into Ryoma's chest. Ryoma in response wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her a little closer.

While that was going on, both Ryoma and Yuri's parents were internally obsessing over how cute they were acting. It was slightly more evident that the mothers were doing this, but for the fathers, it was almost as if they were struggling slightly with holding it in.

"Well, that answers the question! You guys love each other, so it's only a matter of time until either of you would have wanted to get married," Yuri's mother exclaimed joyously.

"Only thing is that we as your parents know that neither of you would have the guts to propose," Nanjiro added bluntly. Hearing this, the little couple blushed profusely, Yuri using her hair to cover her face while Ryoma pulled his cap down to do the same.

"When are we getting married though? We have Nationals and so much this school year?" Yuri pointed out. Rinko nodded with a smile.

"You'll be getting married after graduation. We thought it would be fun to invite both the tennis team of Seigaku and the online friends you and Kazuto know," Rinko explained. Yuri and Ryoma nodded, blushing at the idea of what everyone would say to their announcement of them getting married.

"You guys are too cute!" Nanako exclaimed. Yuri tried to ignore the comment as she tried regulating her heartbeat and stop the blushing from increasing.

"Yuri, Ryoma, I forgot to tell you," Yuri's father blurted aloud, gaining the children's attention, "I have a small gift for you both."

He then took out 2 small boxes from his pocket, passing one to each of them. They looked at him with confusion, but decided to see what was in the boxes before questioning him... 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now