Chapter 47

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They were very surprised and weren't expecting this kind of news. The royals of tennis leaving? For how long? Will they return? These questions ran through their head at a rapid speed.

They silently nodded, deciding against the desire to ask for more information. They went to their rooms, doing their usual routines before falling into a light slumber.

Back with Yuri and Ryoma...

Yuri felt the sunlight seeping into the room as she woke up. She turned to see Ryoma still peacefully asleep and that somehow Karupin was cuddled between him and Yuri. She cracked a warm smile as she admired the sight before her for a bit. She heard a small sound that rang through the room repetitively for a bit. She turned around to see what the sound was coming from to find that it was her phone turning on.

Almost immediately, the notification bell was repetitively going off as messages piled in. Before even deciding to look at the notifications, she checked the time. 'It's frickin '8 o' clock! Who the hell is messaging me at this time?!?!' Yuri thought frustratedly.

Yuri then unlocked her phone to find that she had multiple missed calls and was now being messaged by the boys, namely Momoshiro and Eiji, but nonetheless had been constantly spammed.

'That's something you don't wake up to everyday,' Yuri thought tiredly. She decided to see who had called her finding very surprising results...

Tezuka~buchou (Missed Call)

Fuji~Sempai (MIssed Call)

Kawamura~Sempai (2 Missed Calls)

Data~Sempai (Missed Call)

Kaido~Ssssempai (Missed Call)

Momo~Sempai (3 Missed Calls)

Eiji~Sempai (14 Missed Calls)

Yuri was surprised that pretty much everyone had called her. She wondered what they wanted since they hadn't left any voicemails. Yuri was grumpy in the morning when it came to someone spamming her phone so she was more than a little irritated at the moment. Yuri then decided to check through her messages.

She saw a few text notifications from most of the boys and they all were mainly questions about the fact that the engaged couple would be moving. Yuri made small replies that instructed them to meet her at the courts. Although, Eiji and Momoshiro were a different story...

Momoshiro was mainly worried about what the couple was going to do with their hypothetically "prolonged" wedding. Though, he was quick to stop questioning her when she pretty much snapped at him, telling him that she'd be explaining everything in a bit. He then went offline as Yuri then sighed in displeasure as Eiji was still persistent and was blowing up her phone....


Eiji: "Yuri~san?"
8:04 AM

Eiji: "Yuri~san?"
8:04 AM

Eiji: "Yuri~san?"
8:05 AM

Eiji: "Yuri~san?"
8:05 AM

Eiji: "Yuri~san?"
8:06 AM

Eiji: "Yuri~san?"
8:06 AM

Eiji: "Yuri~san?"
8:06 AM

Eiji: "Yuri~san?"
8:07 AM

8:07 AM

Eiji: "Yuri~san?"
8:07 AM

8:08 AM

Eiji: Why are you leaving us? Nya~
8:09 AM

Because I have to go for tournaments and our wedding? :Yuri
8:09 AM

Eiji: B-but! You can't leave us!!!
8:10 AM

I'm not leaving forever sempai. We will be back sometime,:Yuri
but I'm sure that we're going to be gone for a while         
8:10 AM          

Now, I have to get ready for the day.:Yuri
Meet me @ the courts at 3 o' clock          
8:10 AM        

Eiji: Okay! Nya~

End of Conversation... 

Yuri turned her phone off, placing it back down onto the bedside table. She then got out of bed to do her morning routine, Ryoma waking up in the process. She changed into something casual; simply a denim romper with a flower crown headband. She wore a white cardigan over it, finishing the look as she tied her hair into a simple ponytail. 

She then went down to the kitchen, to find her mother-in-law making breakfast

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She then went down to the kitchen, to find her mother-in-law making breakfast. She hugged Nanako as a small greeting before sitting down at the table, patiently waiting for breakfast to be served. Ryoma soon came down as Rinko just finished making the food.

Yuri looked at the wide array of food before deciding on a bit of tamago and omurice. She quickly finished her food before putting her dirty dishes in the sink, reminding Ryoma of their meeting with the other tennis regulars.

Yuri felt the guilt build up inside her, but she couldn't leave without telling them of her reasons. It felt wrong to just disappear and then later on reappear in their lives. It would make them think of her in a negative way, but it would also make things complicated in the future.

Yuri ran back to the room to grab her purse that held the necessities like her phone and keys. Making sure that she had everything, she then walked down the stairs and towards the door, slipping on her heeled boots. Ryoma then held his hand out to Yuri -who gladly accepted his request- before leaving the house as a few send-offs were said.

At The Courts...

When they arrived at the courts, Yuri saw all the regulars there, and unexpectedly so was Coach Ryuzaki. She gave the female mentor a knowing nod, as the others soon noticed Yuri's arrival. "So what's going on Yuri? I-Is this a prank?" Kawamura timidly cried out. Yuri couldn't help but look down at the court grounds, the guilt and pain beginning to surface.

"W-well, this isn't a prank. W-We... are moving to the states due to a family issue, but also for the fact that we were invited to compete in a double's tournament. We aren't sure how long it'll take, but we are sure that we're coming back before the next school year begins. Um, I hope you all understand the situation, but I also am hoping you won't hate me or Ryoma for making this decision," Yuri lamented.

They held no grudge against the 2 freshmen, they just wanted answers. Kaido -though prideful- hugged Yuri and said, "It's alright. We just wanted answers."

Yuri smiled and hugged him back, mumbling a small thank you into his shoulder. The others smiled at Kaido's soft side for Yuri and decided to just finish getting answers and then hang out for a bit.

Hours passed and eventually everyone parted ways, bidding farewell to each other as they left in the direction of their respective homes. Yuri and Ryoma did the same, though they felt that the next few months were going to be hectic once they got to the states.

Over the next few days, the team spent as much time as they could together, going out early and coming back late. When the time came for Yuri and Ryoma to leave for the states, the team saw them off...

When they got on the plane, Yuri went to her seat and saw that Ryoma was her seatmate. SHe leaned her head on his shoulder as she fell asleep with a sad smile... 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now