Chapter 13

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The regulars looked at Ryoma who was sipping on a can of Ponta. He noticed their stares and in return stared back...

"What?" Ryoma asked arrogantly.

"You. play. this. game!" Momo exclaimed. Ryoma nodded and went back to drinking his Ponta.

"Ey Ryoma! If you can hear me! This is Klein. I've gotten better at dueling! Come on! Jump on and join us!" a guy with a black bandana yelled through the screen. They were standing outside a large doorway, and Ryoma just sighed.

He went into Kazuto's bag, pulling out another Amusphere. He placed it on, logging in. He went into Yuri's viewpoint, showing off his avatar to the team. They were surprised that Ryoma's avatar was a "spriggan", but they made no comment.

Kazuto walked up to the door, opening it with Yuri. Yuri and Kazuto scrolled through their list, and opened it to the skills, scrolling once more to just hover over the skill of dual-wielding.

They looked at one another and nodded, pressing the skill. They took out their swords, pushing the doors open. They then fought the boss, Eiji occasionally making a comment with the others doing something similar. After beating the boss, they went to the warp gate, setting it off and teleporting back to the center. Kazuto walked up to Yuri, asking if she wanted to spar with him.

"You're on big bro!" Yuri smirked. She accepted the duel with Kazuto and the duel began as normal. She then began the duel and the boys watched as her brother and Yuri fought, her skills somewhat leveled to those of her brother's.

Knowing that the boys were watching, Ryoma made a comment, "Her skills here are used in the real world. Watch her closely in tennis next time." He said his farewells to the others before logging off, and coming back to the real world. Ryoma opened his eyes to see the regulars staring holes into him.

"What?" Ryoma asked.

"You were so good! Why would you keep this a secret from us Ochibi!" Eiji asked, he looked like he was about to glomp Ryoma. Luckily, Ryoma dodged his "hug."

"Don't hug me! I can't risk breaking this. It's Kazuto~kun's, not mine," Ryoma warned. Eiji nodded, and decided to just glomp someone else, deciding his target was Oishi, who just smiled.

Yuri finished her duel with Kazuto, saying goodbye to the others as she then logged off. The boys then surrounded her, commenting on her skills. After a bit of talking, she shut then up with a whistle.

"I want to have a match against some people. I mean in tennis, not gaming. Who wants to go against me?" Yuri complained.

Ryoma immediately shot his hand up, making Yuri giggle. The other person that raised their hand was Kazuto. She was surprised that Kazuto wanted to play, but she knew that he learned a bit since he played in replacement for Ryoma as her new "play toy" as he would be called.

When they got down to the court, Ryoma was already set to go on his side, and Yuri on hers. Ryoma wanted to make this a bit more interesting, so he made a small bet.

"Yuri! If I win, I want you to teach the boys how to dance, if you win you'll get a date out with me. Plus, I'll do something extra for you after!" He betted.

Yuri seemed happy about the bet, and either way it wouldn't cause her harm right? She knew some boys just couldn't dance and she didn't want them to suffer so she thought of a loophole to this.

"What if we tie though?" Yuri asked. Ryoma shrugged his shoulders.

"Then technically we could do both. I mean, if you're up for it," Ryoma suggested. Yuri smiled and nodded.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now