Chapter 33

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They turned around to find their one and only tennis captain, Tezuka standing there in his uniform with his racquet in hand. The team smiled and bowed 90°, a small but respectful gesture of welcoming. Tezuka didn't show it, but he was happy and felt like it was his own family welcoming him back again.

He looked at Yuri, the one he put in command during his absence, for any signs of bad things that had or could have happened. Though, all he could see in Yuri's expression was joy and reassurance. Tezuka felt as if the nonverbal conversation was to be continued later, so he nodded his head stiffly, a sign of acknowledgement to her. In return, Yuri smiled and bowed her head a little as well. She didn't bow 90°, knowing all too well that a certain perverted freshman would look up her skirt if she did.

"Let me do it," Tezuka commanded, grabbing a tennis ball from his pocket. Ryoma nodded, not wanting to make both his returning captain, but also his fiance upset.

Making sure that Tezuka had the space to hit the gate, Ryoma and the others parted a bit. They split their line that was in front of the gate in half, both sides moving a bit more outward to make just enough space for Tezuka to serve.

Tezuka bounced the ball a few times before throwing it up high in the air. Watching as he waited for the ball to fall a bit, he then hit the ball as the familiar sound of the ball and racquet coming in contact emitted as he did.

The sound of a metal latch being unlocked rang through the air as the served ball hit the gate's latch. The gate flew open, revealing a simple, short, and meaningful message written on a banner...

"Yudan sezu ni iko" it read. Since Yuri was the fastest at reading between the tennis team regulars and herself, she read and realized his message to the team. He was coming back and this time it was for good.

Tezuka lowered his racquet, his arm resting at his side. After reading his message, the rest of the team looked back at Tezuka, their eyes full of questions and curiosity. Knowing what they probably wanted to ask, Tezuka made it simple and gave them the simplest answer...

"I'm back for the Nationals Tournament and this time... I'm not holding back," he announced bluntly.

Not caring that they might be told to run laps or get punished in some torturous way by Yuri or Tezuka, the team glomped onto their captain as they began making many happy and relieved comments.

Yuri watched the scene unfold from her spot on the court, chuckling slightly at their childish antics and how Tezuka froze at their sudden acts of rejoicement towards his small statement. She did notice though that he did seem awkward and a tad bit uncomfortable.

Yuri didn't want him to have that feeling after just returning back to the tennis team, so she placed her fingers in her mouth and whistled, the boys getting the hint and immediately getting off Tezuka and instead began lining up straight and orderly, not a peep being made about it.

"Thank you Yuri," Tezuka sighed. Yuri smiled innocently and nodded.

"Ryoma and I have to tell you something Tezuka~sempai," Yuri blurted innocently. She ran over and began pulling Ryoma as she went back to her original spot. This seemed to have definitely caught his attention because his eyebrow raised in curiosity and he seemed to have become more interested as his gaze lingered over the small couple.

"Oh? What's this about?" He queried. Yuri smiled and nudged Ryoma, signalling that he was going to be announcing the mysterious information.

Ryoma seemed to have gotten the hint and grabbed onto Yuri's hand a little more naturally before taking a deep breath. He was nervous and excited at the same time, but he needed to stay calm if he wanted to say the announcement instead of screaming it aloud to the whole school...

"We're engaged," Ryoma mumbled, his face a little red since he was still shy about it. Although, his hat did hide it since he was shorter than the other regulars. Tezuka heard him, but he wanted clarification...

"What was that? Speak up Echizen, I can't hear you if you mumble," Tezuka ordered. Ryoma gulped a bit before repeating himself...

"Y-Yuri and I a-are getting married after graduation, meaning that w-we are engaged," Ryoma said, a little irritated that he had to repeat himself, but deciding against the urge to voice his disrespectful comments aloud.

Tezuka was definitely surprised, but simply nodded and patted Ryoma on the shoulder mumbling a small 'congrats' before going over to pat Yuri's head. His small actions made her smile widened even more, making Tezuka grin slightly at how it made Yuri seem like she was his own little sister.

They chatted for a little bit to catch up for the time they were apart after their visit and Tezuka told them about how he could start doing tennis practice normally now and that his arm is completely healed. The team cheered over it, saying that he finally could show his full potential without anything holding him back.

Tezuka was also filled in about how the tennis team was doing and how the training was progressing. Tezuka, being the strict captain he is, told them that if they slack off now, he was going to triple their training and they'd have to drink either a pitcher of yan's juice or be Yuri's punching bag. Knowing that both options were terrible, the team swore to themselves that they'd train hard. They finished talking and started a small practice that lasted a couple hours...

After practice Ryoma carried Yuri home on his back. When they entered the house, Rinko was finishing up dinner while Nanjiro was reading his perverted magazines. Yuri got off Ryoma's back, kissing his cheek as a 'thank you'. Ryoma took their stuff back up their room, Yuri following behind.

When they got to their room, Ryoma dropped all their stuff down, mumbling to Yuri something about 'taking a shower' and 'being tired'. Knowing that he was tired, Yuri went back down, telling Rinko that they were just going to sleep for the night.

She ran back up the stairs and into the room to find Ryoma putting his shirt on. Yuri smiled and went to shower, changing into a simple pair of grey leggings and one of Ryoma's hoodies. She walked out of the bathroom as she used her towel to finish drying her hair.

After Yuri finished with drying and brushing her hair out, she braided it to make sure that it didn't get tangled in the morning. Ryoma became impatient at how long Yuri was taking since he wanted cuddles in bed. Ryoma pulled her into bed, wrapping his around her waist securely as he nuzzled his head into her shoulder, taking in the scent of her body wash.

Yuri giggled at his actions and decided to fall asleep with him, turning over to face Ryoma. She scooted closer, her head now laying on his chest as his arm was around her waist. She closed her eyes, saying a small 'good night' to Ryoma before falling asleep to the rhythm of his heart. 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now