Chapter 35

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Yuri's POV...

We were getting ready for the matches when I noticed something. The guy who was going to go against Kunimitsu~sempai was holding rocks in his hand. I told Tezuka~buchou and he nodded in acknowledgement and said he'd be fine. I then waited with Ryoma until the matches started, and after a few minutes, the announcer spoke,

"3rd Singles' players, please get ready for your match."

I wished Ryoma good luck and kissed him on the cheek before he walked onto the court. I noticed his opponent, Tanishi Kei, was a bit...chubby. I didn't make a comment though, as I knew at some point Ryoma was going to do that for me.

I watched as he went up to the net, the height difference becoming very evident. I couldn't hear much of their conversation, but I saw that Kei took Ryoma by the shirt and yelled at him.

"What did you say about me?!?!" he yelled. I felt anger rise in my chest as I saw Ryoma being lifted off the ground. I glared at the umpire and it seemed like he got my message because he then gave Kei a warning.

Ryoma winked at me and I smiled. Their match started and Ryoma used his signature Twist Serve and with that he had won his service game. It was then Tanashi Kei's service and he had hit the ball weirdly. Ryoma went to hit it, but the strength of the ball had blown the racquet out of his hand. Ryoma seemed to have an idea because he then provoked Tanashi again.

People said that serve is called "Big Bang." This match went on for a while, but Ryoma would use Drive C to play games. Horio had said that it was COOL Drive, but the thing is that it wasn't the right name. After a while, I was a bit annoyed that Horio had kept saying the wrong move.

"Horio~kun. That's not COOL Drive," I said calmly. Horio looked at me with a confused look.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I sighed.

"It's Drive C. Drive C uses only half of the amount of power and strength that COOL Drive uses," I explained. Horio looked embarrassed, but I didn't care. At least he shut up now.

It was Tanashi's service game and the score was 6-6 and I could see Ryoma's eyes filled with determination. Tanashi had hit another one of his "Big Bang" serves, but Ryoma immediately returned it.

I noticed why he was able to return it, the ball was weak. Ryoma then went on to explain the same thing I was thinking, the ball got weaker over time as he used it too often. It seemed like this got Kei mad because he then shot a ball in the direction of our team, more specifically at me.

I dodged it, and Ryoma saw this. He got mad and his anger seemed to have motivated him even more because he then demonstrated multiple drive volley techniques. He had hit Drive A, once returned he had used Drive B and finally revealed what the real COOL Drive looked like. It had hit Kei in the face, knocking him out cold. Ryoma won that match and he walked over to me to check if I was injured at all. I told him I was fine, but he still decided to check.

It was alright for the next few matches, Doubles 2 being 5-7, Singles 2 scored as 6-7. It was a pitiful 3-6 for Doubles 1 and the final match was 4-6. During the matches, Fuji~sempai had revealed his 4th counter and it was called Kagerō Zutsumi. Not only did Fuji~sempai reveal something, but Tezuka~buchou did as well. 

Tezuka~buchou had revealed that he opened the 1st door of Muga No Kyōchi. I was a little agitated since Kite had used those rocks that I had seen before to try and hit Tezuka~sempai in the leg. Luckily, Tezuka~sempai dodged them and still won the match.

I read the list to find out who we were going to be playing against next. I sighed when I found out that we were going against the one and only Hyotei... This is going to be one hell of a match...

Author's POV...

Tezuka noticed that their next opponent was Hyotei and he remembered the words that Yuri had said when they had watched Hyotei's previous match, "Atobe Keigo, the Hyotei tennis captain is gifted with Insight. His insight is that he can see a person's complete blind-spots and use that to his advantage. He's a strong opponent, but once he faces Ryoma, all hell will break loose..."

'Is this what she meant?' Tezuka asked himself. Yuri had left with Ryoma to get some drinks and Tezuka had gone over to Ryuzaki-sensei.

"Ryuzaki-sensei, may I speak with you?" Tezuka asked. Ryuzaki looked at the captain and nodded, walking over to a more secluded area, Tezuka following shortly behind.

"What's the problem?" Ryuzaki asked. Tezuka took a deep breath before explaining the incident that had happened before their match with Higa.

Ryuzaki seemed intrigued with this information and mentioned that Ryoma was playing Singles 1 and his opponent was Atobe Keigo. Tezuka seemed to have connected the dots and realized that all "hell" would be loose in their next match.

When Ryoma and Yuri came back, Tezuka walked over to Yuri, asking her to go towards the area that Ryuzaki was waiting at. Yuri seemed confused, but told Ryoma that she'd be back. Ryoma nodded and decided to hang around the other regulars as he waited for her to finish whatever it was that Ryuzaki-sensei needed her to do.

"You need to see me coach?" Yuri asked. Ryuzaki nodded, Tezuka moving to stand next to her.

"Yuri I have a question and I need you to answer it honestly," Ryuzaki said. Yuri nodded, confused and cautious of what was going to be asked of her.

"Yuri, do you possess one of the tennis angels?" She asked. Yuri was surprised at her coach's speculations, but being the honest girl she was, she nodded.

Tezuka was confused and he wanted to know what was being meant by 'tennis angels.' He turned to Coach Ryuzaki and asked, "What's a tennis angel?"

"A tennis angel is like the spirit of an ancient tennis player that was very well-versed in tennis or was on a level higher than pro. They could either go and rest in peace and stay as a spirit in a tomb, or they could possess someone. Meaning that they could choose someone as a 'host' and in return, the person would get insane tennis skills. Some use the host for terrible reasons, others use it to help someone who truly loves tennis." Ryuzaki explained. Tezuka was astonished at this information.

They both noticed something though, Yuri's eyes became gold again...

"Hello~ You must be Tezuka Kunimitsu and Ryuzaki 'sensei'. I've heard a lot of things about you from Yuri..."  

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now