Chapter 41

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When the boys made it to the hospital, they immediately went to the front desk, asking for the room number of which Yuri was being treated in. They were assigned a number and Tezuka thanked the lady as the rest of the team followed one of the nurses into the room.

Yuri was lying in a hospital gown, but she had a few wires hooked up to her body. One for oxygen and another to just monitor her heart rate. They breathed out a sigh of relief as the doctors told them that she was just extremely exhausted and that she over-exerted herself.

"Anyways, how'd she get like this?" the doctor asked. The boys looked at one another, hoping someone would speak, but wouldn't reveal what happened. Who'd believe them if they said that this girl just flew and had wings and fainted?

Ryoma sighed and said, "Well, she was playing tennis with me and we were playing for hours and her stamina depleted completely."

The doctor sighed heavily before warning them, "She's completely fine like the nurse from before informed you. She just needs to rest for now and she'll be fine. Nothing was broken, but her body was very weak after she fainted. Once she's up and fully rested she'll be fine. I have to tend to other patients so press the buzzer if you need me."

The doctor then left and the boys settled into the room, either fchatting or sleeping as they waited for Yuri to wake up. Hours passed before they heard a bit of shuffling in the bed. They turned their attention to Yuri who was beginning to stir.

"W-what happened?" Yuri groaned out. Ryoma walked over to the side of the bed before intertwining their hands.

"I'm happy you're awake. Do you feel weird or terrible?" Ryoma asked concerningly. Yuri smiled and shook her head.

"I don't feel any bad effects or anything. The only thing I feel right now is a major headache, but it'll go away soon." Yuri then noticed the others in the room.

"You okay?" Momoshiro asked. He was still stunned at her new 'mode' and how she sprouted wings.

"I'm fine Momo~sempai," Yuri reassured. It seemed like that sentence set off something in the boys because they began to question Yuri of her new ability.

Majority of the questions came from Inui or Eiji. Inui was constantly writing into his notebook, but he was simultaneously asking her questions as well. Yuri felt overwhelmed at their questions and it soon got uncomfortable for her.

Luckily Tezuka noticed this so he said, "Boys. Let her breathe. How about we ask questions in an orderly manner, she's getting uncomfortable and you're not even letting her answer."

Yuri thanked him with a grateful smile and let out a sigh of relief. She then pointed at Momoshiro who was waiting eagerly.

"What was that..."

"Well, I have no clue. I feel like if anything... you'd have to ask Kyra," Yuri answered. Everyone became confused as to who this 'Kyra' was. Yuri noticed their confused and curious expressions so she clarified what she said.

"The person who made me like this." Yuri then closed her eyes and they noticed something change once she looked back at them.

"G-Gold e-eyes..." Kawamura gasped.

"Hello. My name is Kyra. I'm the tennis angel that Yuri is hosting," the spirit greeted. The boys had similar looks of confusion and uncertainty.

"I'm confused," Oishi voiced out. Kyra giggled and smiled.

"Well, my eyes are gold, this is a sign that I've taken control. I can't take control for very long, but long enough to explain the whole situation. So, I'm an angel that used to be a human who was extremely talented in tennis. There are others that are like me who have been wandering and either have a host or have gone to the grave for the rest of their time. Some use their ability to host a tennis prodigy for bad reasons, others like me want to continue their passion of playing tennis. Yuri has been my host for a while and we've become friends. I was able to fully control her body to the point where we're in Synchro and that means that I'm able to merge my spirit's characteristics such as my wings with her physical body for the amount of time that we are in Synchro. The thing about that is that I'm one of the strongest in the ranks from long ago, meaning that my powers are very hard to control and withstand," Kyra explained. 

"So, you were the cause of this?" Fuji asked. Kyra smiled and nodded. 

"Correct. I was in Synchro with Yuri for the 1st time, meaning that I had merged completely with her. The thing about this situation was that we didn't mean to go that far, so her body wasn't fully prepared and able to hold it for long. Unmerging from her is not going to affect her, but if we were higher in the air, then she'd probably have a different condition. I have to give Yuri control now, so farewell for now..." Kyra quickly replied before closing her eyes and their color returning to their original evergreen forest color. 

"So that's Kyra?" Fuji asked. Yuri looked at him with a knowing look and he just smiled in return. Yuri rolled her eyes at his attempt to make her play at his game, but knowing that she found the loophole made it easier on her.

For a while, they chatted and slowly everyone was leaving, saying their farewells and wishing each other safe travels back. By the time they had all left, Yuri was finally discharged and she went home with Ryoma.

While walking back to their house, Ryoma randomly asked, "Would you leave me?"

This completely shocked Yuri as she didn't expect Ryoma to supposedly doubt her affections. "What makes you say that?" She asked.

"Well, I have no idea, but I want an honest answer..." He shrugged. They stopped at a park, sitting under one of the blossoming cherry trees.

"Well, if you did something completely stupid that I would never agree with then yes," Yuri answered, "but that doesn't mean that I would find a new lover."

Ryoma seemed confused at her words but Yuri just smiled as she clarified her words, "I could physically move as far away from you if I wanted, but I could never love another person because my heart belongs with you..." 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now