Chapter 50

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Yuri's body stiffened as she turned around to find that it was Eiji who had caught the ball. He lowered his arm to rest at his side as his little cat grin turned into a full on smile. Behind him were the rest of the seniors; Tezuka, Fuji, Inui, Oishi, and Kawamura. Yuri smiled back at them and it seemed most of them had either a surprised look or they were completely confused.

"I-It's really you," Oishi murmured. Yuri couldn't hear him so she decided to turn around and was going to walk over to Ryoma, but they misinterpreted it and ran to tackle Yuri. Not all of them did, but the majority of the group had done so. Yuri felt like a pancake after being dogpiled by the older boys.

"G-Get o-off m-me! C-Can't b-breathe!" Yuri choked out. The boys immediately got off her and Kawamura held his hand out in assistance. Yuri coughed a bit, trying to regain her breath, but took his hand and tried to pull herself up.

Ryoma ran to her, helping her to stand up properly. Yuri smiled gratefully at him and soon regained her balance. Ryoma held her hand as they faced the others who still were taller, but not as much as before.

"You're back, Echizens?" Fuji questioned aloud. Both Yuri and Ryoma nodded which made the boys realize something. They didn't attend Yuri's wedding. Most of them hoped Yuri wouldn't bring it up, but luckily Tezuka had changed the topic...

"Hey Yuri, when are you going to be heading back to America?" Tezuka asked. He was definitely happy she was back, but he wanted to know how long they had her for until she had to go back.

"Well, I'm not sure. Ryoma and I are gonna stay here in Japan unless we get called back for another tournament. We are going to continue our studies at Seigaku and I don't really like my old school from before anyways. Plus, I won't have to deal with crappy food," Yuri answered.

The boys seemed confused at Yuri's last statement, but when Ryoma was being pulled with Yuri to the takoyaki store, they realized what she meant. A few of them chuckled as the group followed the young girl and the boy she was dragging.

When they entered the store, Yuri immediately let go of Ryoma as she went over to the cashier to place her order. Ryoma, who was currently on the floor, stood up before going over to Yuri and ordering himself a takoyaki. Yuri turned around to the others who were patiently waiting for them.

"You guys want anything?" Yuri asked.

A few of the boys walked over and gave an order while others just shook their head, politely declining her offer. Yuri then paid for their desserts and began to catch up with the boys as they walked around the park. Eventually they decided to sit on the lush green grass as they finished their food and eventually were talking about how the wedding was.

Yuri saw this as an opportunity to tease the other boys since she knew that most of them hadn't attended the wedding, even if she gave them emails about it. She nudged Ryoma and sent him a knowing look that he quickly understood.

"Hey. Speaking of the wedding, why didn't you guys attend? I saw Tezuka~kun on a facetime and he wasn't allowed to leave, but he made the effort to attend," Yuri started with a grin, "I also saw Fuji~sempai and Kaido~sempai, but where were the rest of you guys?"

A few of them were silent while others were red in embarrassment...

"I-I was with Oishi and I hadn't checked my emails..." Eiji stuttered nervously. Yuri nodded and looked in Inui's direction. He wasn't going to lie to her, she was way too scary for him to do so.

"I was working on my newest drink and hadn't been able to do much other than that. I apologize," Inui apologized, bowing his head as he sat with a bit of guilt on his mind.

"And you guys?" Yuri questioned, trying to seem upset. She wasn't actually upset though, she just wanted to hear their reasons.

"I-I was h-helping m-my dad with the restaurant. I-It's been busy these past few months so I haven't had much time to myself..." Kawamura admitted.

"I'm sorry! I was busy watching my cousins..." Oishi sputtered. Yuri giggled at how serious they were.

"It's fine. Next time, you guys better be with me!" Yuri sighed. The boys then nodded and they decided to part ways for the day, noticing that the sun was starting to set.

On their way back home, Yuri suggested that they meet with the 2nd years, Kaido and Momoshiro, tomorrow since they weren't with them today. Ryoma agreed and said that they'd surprise them at summer practice that was in the evening...

The Next Day...

When they were heading over to the school, they bumped into a few familiar faces like Yuuta and Tachibana's little sister, Ann. When they got to the school, they saw that the 2nd year regulars were helping the 1st years in training and were practicing how to rally the ball.

One of the 1st years had hit the ball too far and Yuri caught it, but also caught the attention of all the students on the courts. Momoshiro and Kaido were definitely surprised but they welcomed them with open arms.

They chatted for a bit with an occasional departure of either Momoshiro or Kaido to assist the others with their training. Like the other seniors, Yuri teased Momoshiro about not attending her wedding. Momoshiro asked about Kadio, but Yuri defended him, saying that he had attended her wedding and even gave her a necklace as a gift.

Eventually the couple had to leave and headed back home. When they got home, they found 2 envelopes on the floor...

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