Chapter 21

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When Yuri got back to the team and to practices, she found out that they would be playing against St. Rudolph. They found out that Fuji's little brother wanted to go up against his big brother Shusuke.

Yuri wasn't going to let anything go wrong, but she noticed that a guy who she recognized to be Mizuki, the new manager of the St. Rudolph's tennis team, was watching them often. Yuri told Inui of this and he went to deal with it.

When he came back, he saw Yuri talking with someone. It was Yuuta, Fuji's little brother. She made him smile and he walked away, not daring to look at his brother. Fuji seemed down, but with a few words of Yuri's he was smiling again.

When they were waiting for Ryoma, Yuri was able to get him on the phone, but the problem is that he technically made the excuse that he was late and woke up late.

"Ryoma. I swear, you better make sure you've got everything or I'm not going to be happy. Be here in 10 minutes or else I'm going back to America," Yuri threatened. Ryoma was heard on the other end of the phone call, rushing as she said that.

"Y-Yuri. Please don't do that~ I'll be there! Don't worry!" Ryoma begged. Yuri then hung up before he got to say anything else, turning to the regulars. They looked at her expectantly and she gave them a sigh.

"Ryo~ He's a bit late. I'm going back to the states if he doesn't come here in 10 minutes. In the meantime, someone has to replace him," Yuri sighed.

"Okay, why don't you do it then Yuri," Fuji suggested.

"Nope! I can't. I'm shorter than him, plus I'm a girl and I have a lighter shade of hair. If anything, the closest to Ryoma's stature would be Horio," Yuri said, shaking her head. Saying that was one of the biggest mistakes of her life was the truth.

Once Horio got past check-in, Yuri noticed that he became even more of a bragger. Before she got into any trouble with Horio, she left him and went to stay with Tezuka and Momoshiro, waiting for Ryoma. Once Ryoma got to them, Yuri was glaring at him.

"As a regular, you must know your responsibilities," Tezuka reprimanded sternly.

"I got here before the match right?" Ryoma remarked. Yuri hit his head, making him glare at her. That changed quickly after he saw the way he was getting glared at...

"2 Minutes..." Yuri stated. She wasn't happy. He was lucky that he got there on time, if he got there any later, he wouldn't have seen Yuri again. Knowing her, she keeps to her word.

"Where were you Ryoma?" Tezuka asked, he didn't seem happy at all with Ryoma at that point.

Ryoma sweatdropped, but forced his pride down and said, "I was warming up."

Yuri went up to him, flicking his forehead, "You need to wake up on your own now. I'm getting Rinko~san to get you a very loud alarm. If not, then I guess you'll have to settle for Nanjiro Ryo~san." Ryoma shook his head, fear spreading to his face.

"F-Fine. J-Just don't let that perverted man bother me or go into my room," Ryoma mumbled.

"Let's go," Tezuka ordered, walking towards the courts. The 2 freshmen followed behind, Yuri noticed that Mizuki was watching her.

During the matches against St. Rudolph, the games against the players were tough. The Doubles ended up with doubles 1 (7-6) in St. Rudolph's favor, Doubles 2 (2-2) but due to Momoshiro's stupidity, they won, but it was because he knocked out the other player with his Dunk Smash.

It was singles 3 right now, and it was 3-5. Yuri was waiting for Ryoma to finish sipping his drink since she was technically being a side helper unless she played. She heard something that made her angry...

"All is not lost. Aim for his left flank," he said. Yuri was confused, and so was Yuuta.

"What?" He asked. He thought he heard wrong, but he didn't, he was told to aim for someone's left leg.

"He got hurt by Fudomine's Shinji and a broken racquet and it hit his left eye. It probably left a scar on his psychological state. Plus, it's a reflex to duck." Mizuki commented. Opening his eyes, he noticed the odd look from Yuuta, "What? Can't you do that? Didn't part of your training focus on hitting an opponent's left?"

"Wait. That's the reason you gave me that-" Yuuta started.

Mitzuki cut him off saying, "Is it against the rules if you target your opponent's weakness?"

Yuuta said nothing, looking in Yuri's direction. She had a pleading look, something of which told him not to do it. Mitzuki tried to take it farther, saying that he could never beat his brother if he didn't do it. Yuri was mad, and her eyes went red. Ryoma noticed this and pulled her close to him, telling her to calm down.

She told him she'll be back and with that she stormed off. Ryoma looked at Fuji pleadingly, sending the message to check on her. Fuji understood and stood up, saying that he would warm up. Ryoma went back onto the court and within the time that he won the game, Yuri was calm again and was sitting patiently on the bench for him.

"Y-Yuri, are you okay now?" Ryoma asked. Yuri nodded, a small sadistic smile on her face.

"Perfectly fine. Just going to watch Fuji walk through our plan," Yuri sang, a threatening tone laced into her voice.

Fuji had gone with Tezuka to see what coach Ryuzaki talked about with Mitzuki, and that was what set him off. He was going to follow the plan, but he wasn't happy with the games.

With Yuri, she made a small comment that she wanted to send to Mitzuki through Yuuta. Her comment though had made everyone confused...

"My favorite number right now is 5. Relay that to Mitzuki right now..." 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now