Chapter 23

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After the whole incident and match with St. Rudolph, Ryoma had gone out to get clothes with Nanjiro due to some persistent nagging and other things that he didn't want to talk about. When he got to the clothing store, he saw Yuuta and Shusuke. He hid in the dressing room, but Fuji (shusuke) noticed him.

Yuri was at home with Nanako and Rinko. They were chatting and making food while the boys were out. Then Rinko brought up the tournament, "Hey Yuri, which school is Seigaku going to face now?"

Yuri shrugged her shoulders as she finished washing a dish. "I don't know. Tezuka~sempai and a few others went to the draw. I didn't go because it would draw too much attention. Tezuka~sempai said he'll message me what the name of the school is once we find out," Yuri explained.

Yuri wasn't very happy about the fact that they had to draw the school. She heard from before that Tezuka had drawn Hyotei last time, and that wasn't a good thing.

When she finished with cooking, she went to her room, checking for any messages. She had one from Oishi. It read...

"We drew Yamabuki..."

Yuri smiled, thanking the Lord that they didn't have to face Hyotei straight away. She then went ahead to get both Ryoma and her own bags ready for the next day. Ryoma came back, eating dinner with Yuri before going to bed with her.

The next few days were full of training and focus. There was one incident though...

Yuri was cleaning the workout room since practice ended. She was wondering what took the boys so long to clean the courts. She went out to see what was going on to find Ryoma facing a guy from Yamabuki.

She ran to inform the security, soon after that she then ran to Ryoma, hoping he wasn't hurt. She ended up next to Ryoma and told him of the security.

"I hope you can get to the next round," the guy said mockingly, "So we can meet in the competition... I will teach you a lesson there."

He walked off, but using his racquet, he hit the can of rocks, flying it in their direction. Ryoma quickly pulled Yuri in front of him as he turned around, using his racquet to shield them from the pebbles as best as he could. Yuri looked up to see Ryoma's face covered in a few scratches.

She moved her hand to hover over his cheek, Ryoma holding her hand saying, "I'm fine Yuri."

The guy looked back for a split-second but turned back around, placing his racquet between his arm and chest before saying, "Go and tell Takashi to mind his own business." He then left, leaving the freshmen trio and the couple standing on the courts.

Yuri took Ryoma to the clubroom, taking out a first-aid kit. She then put some cleaning alcohol on a cotton swab. "This will hurt," Yuri warned.

She pressed the cotton swab onto his cheek, making him suck his teeth. "S-Sorry," She said, gently pressing the cotton swab onto his cheek again. This time, she blew gently onto the spot she just cleaned. After cleaning the wounds, Yuri used the wraps to bandage his face, tying a small bow on top of his head. Ryoma blushed a bit, seeing as he was aware of how close Yuri's cleavage was to his face.

Once she let him go, he went to change out of his uniform. It took awhile for him to change, but when he did, he told Yuri that he was going out with Eiji and Momoshiro. She agreed that she would go with him, but she then had something to do. Kazuto had called her telling her that he needed to talk with her for a bit. She then left the tennis club, going to the bus station where she went to see Asuna's apartment.

Kazuto then let her in, Yuri setting her stuff down by the door. She went to the dining room, sitting down with Asuna and Kazuto. "What's up bro?" Yuri asked.

"Well, a kid in our school said they made a bet that if your school loses then I have to make you go on a date with him. Please win. I don't want to force you on a date with them..." Kazuto said, his head hung low. Yuri was surprised. A guy from his school knew her? Why did he want to date her anyways? Didn't he know that she had a boyfriend?

"Fine. We'll win, but I need to tell the team of the bet," Yuri told him. He nodded.

"Afterwards, I swear I'll make it up to you. I'm so sorry for burdening you with this," Kazuto said. Yuri shrugged her shoulders, nodding.

She then left the apartment after having dinner, going back on the train and back to Ryoma's house. Yuri then went to sleep in Ryoma's bed, falling asleep to the sound of nature outside.

"Guess I have to tell this to the team tomorrow..." 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now