Chapter 5

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"M-Me! B-But why though?" Yuri asked. She knew that the regulars and other club members respected her, but for Tezuka to offer this kind of position was baffling. She hadn't even shown that she was capable of playing tennis.

"I know you play tennis Yuri. Our coach has informed me about your history, and you seem to be the perfect one to help with our team and club activities. Please consider this offer," Tezuka bowed.

"Sure! I mean, it would allow me to see how much Ryoma's grown and if I can beat him!" Yuri accepted, bowing back at him. After a little bit of discussion over a few things such as rules and guidelines, Tezuka told her that she could leave. She smiled and bowed, thanking Tezuka briefly before she ran off.

Meeting back with Ryoma, he gave her a board and they began skating back to his house. While skating, Ryoma asked her something.

"Hey you can still dance right?" Ryoma asked randomly. Yuri nodded and Ryoma motioned for her to follow him. After a bit of skating, Yuri noticed that they weren't going towards Ryoma's house. They ended up in front of a tennis court, and Ryoma had pulled her along with him, putting the boards under his arms.

"You're gonna teach me a new dance routine!" Ryoma exclaimed. He wanted to do something special with Yuri when she came back, but tennis and skating were already done and normal for Yuri. While waiting for her to finish talking with Tezuka, he remembered that she danced and he wanted to give it a shot.

Yuri was surprised that he wanted to learn but she smiled and agreed. Hours later they were practicing the routine and hadn't noticed that both Momoshiro and Eiji had been watching them. They finished learning the choreography routine and after a few attempts were having a break. After a few minutes of cooling down, they agreed to try rehearsing it once more. Yuri went over to the speaker, pressing play as she got into position. 

They were surprised when they heard clapping coming from the side of the tennis courts. They turned to see Kazuto and Asuna clapping. Jokingly, they bowed and the four of them had a laugh. From where Kazuto was standing, he noticed the 2 boys who were watching the small group chat. Not knowing if they were perverted stalkers or something of the sort, he called them out on it.

"Hey! What are you two strangers doing? Come out!" Kazuto yelled. The boys emerged from their hiding spots, startling Ryoma, seeing as he didn't notice them watching from the sidelines.

"Ey! Ochibi why didn't you tell me you could dance!" Eiji whined as he ran to glomp onto the poor boy.

"Eiji-senpai get off!" Ryoma yelled.

"Yuri help your boyfriend out," Asuna giggled.

Yuri rolled her eyes before yelling at Eiji to get off. They noticed Asuna and Kazuto and were curious as to how they knew Yuri and Ryoma.

"How do you know our kohai?" Momoshiro asked bluntly.

"Well, Yuri here is my little sis. This is my girlfriend, Asuna," Kazuto explained.

"Yuri! Mommy! Daddy! Don't forget that you were going to meet with the others for the boss raid later tonight!" Yui called from the camera on Asuna's shoulder.

"Right! I almost forgot to tell you. Mom and dad asked if we could stay with Echizen and I said that you wouldn't mind. I'm staying with Asuna though since we're going to be going to that job from the letter. Our luggage was moved already so your stuff is at Ryoma's house," Kazuto explained.

Yuri nodde and packed all the stuff up, saying goodbye to her brother and Asuna and the 2 tennis regulars. She then pulled Ryoma by his wrist towards the direction of his house. She did visit once but they only stayed at Ryoma's house for that day and it was about 3 months after he had moved. That's why she knew where his house was, but she was still unfamiliar with the areas around it.

When they got there, Yuri and Ryoma went up the stairs, ignoring the commotion that was going on in the house when they entered. When they got there, on the bed laid 2 Amuspheres. They put them on and laid down, logging into the game of ALO.

After getting situated, they flew to the group's meeting place where Ryoma met the others. He wasn't good in combat, but with Yuri's help, he was able to get better. After about 30 minutes, he was decent enough to beat Klein and that was good enough to be allowed into the group.

When they went for the boss fight they met and saw a few old faces. One namely being a part of the former party that was named, Sleeping Knights, and a few from SAO. After finishing the boss fight, Ryoma and Yuri logged off, plugging the Amuspheres into their charging ports after pulling them off.

A little while later, Ryoma's mom called them down for dinner. They ran down the stairs, sitting down as Rinko served them food. It was Japanese food, which made Ryoma happy and Yuri just giggled. They thanked Rinko for the food before diving in, eating it peacefully. They put their dishes in the sink before wishing Ryoma's parents good night and running back up to their room. When they went in, Ryoma pushed her against the back of the door, startling her.

He kissed her and she melted into the kiss, letting him take the lead. The kiss led to a full makeout session before Yuri pulled away, telling him to go shower. He nodded and went to shower, coming out with a towel on his head as Yuri went in to shower after him. Finished with her shower, Yuri was going to dry her hair, but Ryoma pulled her down to sit on the floor at the foot of the bed, taking the towel out of her hands.

"No. I'll do it," Ryoma stated stubbornly.

She rolled her eyes with a smile before sitting comfortably as he then used the towel to dry her hair. After he finished, he turned her around and kissed her forehead. They then got under the comforter, cuddling in each other's embrace, falling into a deep sleep... 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now