Chapter 27

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The next day, Yuri woke up with a sadistic aura. It was so strong that it even woke Ryoma up. "Y-Yuri are you okay?" He asked timidly.

"Fine. Just, I'm going to kill the boys," Yuri gritted through her teeth.

Ryoma gulped, he was definitely happy that he wasn't the one to make her mad, but he kind of pitied the other regulars that were going to be punished by her later. She took her skateboard and longboard, placing them by the door before going back to her room to change.

She went down for breakfast after getting ready, seeing Ryoma waiting at the table for her. She was happy that Ryoma waited for her because she wasn't happy as it was, seeing Ryoma eat alone would have made her even more annoyed.

Thanking Rinko for the food, she then ate her japanese breakfast, enjoying the one good thing that went right so far. She then pulled Ryoma along with her, giving him a board before going on her own, saying bye before going off in the direction of the school.

When she got there, she noticed the boys training and a bunch of fangirls had surrounded the courts to watch them. Yuri whistled, knowing that many of the fans knew her for her position on the team, but also for her scary demeanor. Although, a few fans that were too obsessed with their "sempais" had other plans.

"Oi! What gives you the privilege to push us around?" one asked. Many who knew of Yuri and how she was taking Tezuka's position for the time being, tried warning the girl, but she didn't seem to listen.

"I'm not your average girl. Move," Yuri stated, her voice firm but somewhat annoyed. The girl picked this up and in anger, shoved Yuri.

"What are you going to do? Try to hit me?" The girl mocked. Sadly for her, the team saw her actions and stormed over.

"What are you doing to our captain?" Eiji asked. He didn't care that he was going to get punished by Yuri later. He cared only for her safety right now.

The girl seemed shocked, turning to look at an emotionless faced Yuri. "C-Captain?!" the girl exclaimed.

Yuri stood up, Fuji helping her to brush off the dirt and dust that had been on her clothes. "Yes. I'm the captain and reserved player. What's wrong? Right! I got privileges to go on court and hang out with your 'sempais' while you can't even set foot in the courts!" Yuri smirked.

She was as good as Ryoma when it came to teasing or provoking her opponent or someone she was talking with. The girl seemed more mad than she was previously, but that didn't stop Yuri from walking away.

As Yuri walked off, the girl tried to take a cheap shot, trying to hit Yuri on the back of her head with her fist but Ryoma was quicker.

"Don't. Touch. My. Girlfriend," Ryoma said, his grip tightening on the girl's wrist with every word spoken. The girl soon winced and cried in pain and Ryoma threw her hand back, the girl clutching it as she cried.

"Let's go," Ryoma scoffed. Yuri nodded, holding his hand as they walked into the courts. Yuri called everyone for assembly, finding that everyone was there on time.

"Okay, so our match with Rikkaidai is coming closer so I want everyone to work hard and with Tezuka's words... Yudan sezu ni iko" Yuri smiled. Everyone nodded.

"HAI!" They saluted back. Yuri nodded in approval, telling them to get ready for class.

"Regulars I need to talk with you right now..." Yuri called. They visibly gulped before weakly walking back...

"Now. I want you all to report to me at lunch for your punishment for spying on me and Ryo~chan. Because you helped me with that girl though, I'll turn your punishment down a notch..." Yuri explained. She then dismissed the rejoicing regulars to get changed for class.

After Class/On the Rooftop...

Yuri watched as the regulars looked at her fearfully. Yuri smiled as Kaido and Oishi did at least 5 laps, as compensation for her mercy and Kawamura made her a big plate to share with Ryoma. Ryoma was sitting there, waiting for her so he could eat, but he was allowed to drink a POnta, so he was happy about that.

"Eiji, your stamina needs to be improved so your punishment is to run to the nearest ice cream shop and to buy us ice cream. you can buy one too, and here is the money," Yuri assigned. She gave him a few dollars before he nodded, running off as fast as he could to the nearest ice cream shop.

"Fuji and Inui, you guys aren't going to do much, but Fuji your punishment is that you have to go all out in your match with Rikkaidai's Akaya Kirihara. Inui... you have to drink this..." Yuri said, holding out a cup.

"What's this?" Inui asked.

"Try it," Yuri motioned. Inui, hesitant but intrigued, put the cup to his lips, the bitter taste hitting his tongue.

He fell right there and then, the cup being caught by Yuri with her fast reflexes. Fuji seemed scared of what the hell that drink was. Yuri turned to him and said, "This is a special juice my friend made. He's in China but gave me the recipe." Fuji slowly nodded but decided to sit down and eat.

Yuri then sat down too, eating the sushi with Ryoma. Yuri noticed that Kawamura had made wasabi sushi, but she wasn't too fond of the taste. She decided it was only fair to give it away or it would have been wasted.

Fuji was eating his bento, watching as Inui was somewhat... dead... on the floor. He noticed Yuri leaning over to him, and he looked down at what she did, and saw the wasabi sushi on his plate. He smiled, thanking her as he ate it. Eiji came back, the ice creams in a bag as he then ate while chatting with Oishi. After eating, they all ate an ice cream and finished right before classes started again.

After School...

Yuri and Ryoma got out of class, rushing to get to practice. Ryoma began stretching with Momoshiro and Yuri remembered that Momo hadn't been punished yet...

"MOMO!" Yuri yelled. Momo tensed up but obediently walked up to her.

"Y-Yes?" Momo asked.

"Be honest. Did I or did I not punish you?" Yuri asked. She knew the answer, but she wanted to see if Momoshiro would fess up.

"N-No. I was supposed to be punished but you forgot about me since I was in class with my teacher," Momo admitted. Yuri smiled at his honesty and patted his head.

"Okay, since you were honest all I want you to do is run 20 laps. Originally it was going to be 50, but I think since you've been a good senior and honest person, I'll give you some slack," Yuri said.

Momo smiled and thanked her, running off to do his laps with a smile. The regulars smiled, knowing Momo was happy to have gained her trust, but they still were worried about the match with Rikkaidai.

When they were going over match spacing, Yuri read them off carefully, making sure to have their attention as she did.

"Doubles 2, Kaido Koru and Momoshiro Takeshi"

"Doubles 1, Eiji KIkumaru and OIshi Shuichirou, the Golden Partners"

"Singles 3, Inui Sadaharu"

"Single's 2, Fuji Shusuke"

"Single's 1, Echizen Ryoma"

"Everyone... Yudan sezu ni iko" Yuri said with a smile before dismissing the meeting... 

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