Chapter 48

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The plane ride wasn't too bad since Yuri and Ryoma slept through most of it. When they were landing, Yuri was woken up by Ryoma as they were going to be departing soon. Once their plane landed, Yuri grabbed her suitcase and disembarked from the plane. She waited for Ryoma before getting a cab.

After putting their luggage in the taxi's trunk, Ryoma gave the driver directions to their new apartment. They didn't talk much during the car ride. Yuri was looking at the different buildings that they would pass by while Ryoma was preoccupied with his phone.

When they got to the apartment, Yuri paid the taxi driver before grabbing her suitcase from the trunk and rolling it into the building. Ryoma had already gotten their keys when Yuri had paid the driver, so they just walked up to their room. 

When they entered the apartment, they were pleased with the designs that Yuri's parents had picked out for them. It was similar to the requests that the couple had asked for. They wanted a simple apartment, nothing big, and they wanted only one bedroom.

It was a simple apartment that had a small kitchen with the living room connected to it. The bedroom was simple and had a bathroom connected to it. The walls were a cream white with grey borderlines.

The bed wasn't fancy, it was a simple queen-sized bed with white sheets and pillow covers. On each side was a small wooden cabinet with a simple lamp on top. The room was fairly large with a small desk in the corner and a closet near the bathroom door.

Once they went through the small apartment, they decided to go out to explore the place for a bit. Yuri decided to change her clothes first and Ryoma did the same. Yuri changed into a simple outfit, pairing a black T-shirt with some overalls. She decided to tie a jacket around her waist and wore her white shoes with it.  

Ryoma wore a white shirt and some black shorts

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Ryoma wore a white shirt and some black shorts. He wore a red jersey jacket with it and wore his usual black shoes.

They brought their tennis equipment just in case of an unexpected match and left their apartment, making sure to lock the door. Ryoma and Yuri intertwined their hands as they walked, Yuri swinging their hands back and forth as they walked. Ryoma smiled at how cute she was acting, but you couldn't see it since he was wearing his usual cap.

Yuri spotted a hair salon and pointed at it. Ryoma understood what she wanted and stiffly nodded. Yuri's smile widened as she then dragged Ryoma along with her as she ran towards the salon.

Yuri then entered the salon and was greeted by a bunch of different colors. The walls were a pearly white and the floor was black and white checkered tiles. The people that were working there had smiles on their faces.

Yuri walked up to the receptionist and the lady there greeted her, "Hello! Welcome to Season's Hair Salon! How may I be of assistance?"

"Can I get my hair done please?" Yuri requested politely.

The lady gave a simple nod saying, "Of course! You can go to station 4."

Yuri nodded and made her way to the station that the receptionist had instructed her to head over to. The lady at the station gave her a smile and Yuri sat down, the hair stylist standing behind her.

"What would you like dear?" She asked. Yuri glanced over at Ryoma who was patiently waiting for Yuri, using his phone to entertain himself. She decided to surprise Ryoma with a bit of change and her smile reformed into a smirk.

"Hm. Could I dye it?" Yuri asked innocently. The lady seemed to have noticed Yuri's glance at Ryoma because she then nodded eagerly.

"Of course! What color?" the stylist asked.

"How about we dye it blond?" Yuri suggested. The lady nodded and went to work.

A few minutes later, Yuri was finished, her hair now a light blond color and it was curled. Yuri then went over to the cashier and paid. Once Yuri had walked over towards Ryoma, he was well immersed into whatever it was that he was doing on his phone. Yuri tapped him on the shoulder and he looked up to see Yuri with a grin.

"Y-Yuri? Is that you?" Ryoma asked.

Yuri nodded with the reply, "Yes. What do you think?" She did a small twirl and observed Ryoma's reaction.

"It looks good on you!" Ryoma complimented, his cheeks dusted a light pink.

Ryoma stood up, his hand moving to push a stray strand of hair out of her face. They left the salon and went back to their apartment to turn in for the night. Yuri then got a message as she was getting dressed and it was from the boys. She opened the message to see a big photo of the boys and some of the other players from different schools that were gathered together. There was a small caption on it as well, "We Miss You Guys! Stay Strong!"

Yuri smiled at the comforting message before showing it to Ryoma. He glanced at it for a bit before nodding his head. Finishing up their nightly routine, they got under the covers and cuddled each other to sleep...

2 Months Later...

After a month of planning and getting all of the things ready, they finally had their wedding.

Yuri and Ryoma decided to use Ryo's surname, so now Yuri is Mrs. Echizen. Her last name was going to be carried on by her older brother since he decided to have Yuri's last name for his marriage with Asuna.

Yuri and Ryoma had a lot of fun with the others, chatting the night away. They had a break of almost a month after, using it as time for a honeymoon. They went to different places like Disneyland and even went out of the country to go sightseeing in China with her friends.

Funny enough, Yuri only saw 3 of the regulars attending her wedding. Tezuka was on a facetime since he couldn't go physically, but that was fine with Yuri since he at least made an effort in attending. He even wore a suit!

Fuji and his family came to her wedding in person, seeing as his parents were okay with them going to see their freshmen regulars. Kaido made an effort to attend as well, seeing as he was very respectful to Yuri and was actually happy for her. He didn't have anything else to do and was secretly excited to see Yuri get married.

After their wedding and their honeymoon, they had to get ready for their double's tournament. While they were getting prepared for their tournament, they had unexpectedly unlocked Synchro as they were practicing with Ryoma's father and Kazuto.

When they first joined the tournament, they found that some of the pairs weren't too experienced and were easy to deal with. Eventually they had gotten into the finals...

Yuri and Ryoma were just finishing up their warm ups for their next match. They had just finished their match in the semifinals when they had won and moved up to the finals. Yuri and Ryoma finished stretching as the match was called out to begin.

"Tennis Royals vs Nerd Pair, 1st Game, Yuri Echizen to serve.."  

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