Chapter 40

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"Well, well, well... if it isn't little Ms. Slutess~" a girl teased. Yuri looked down, her hair creating a shadow over her eyes. She stayed silent, seeing how this would continue.

"Not going to talk huh?" A girl taunted. No response....

"FUCKING ANSWER ME YOU SLUT!!!" the girl from before yelled. She then tried to punch Yuri in the face, but Tezuka was faster; quickly catching the girl's wrist before it had came in contact with Yuri's face.

"I will ask this only once, leave Yuri and the rest of us alone," Tezuka warned, his face not faltering at all. The girl scoffed and yanked her wrist away from his grasp, deciding to ignore him.

"You have boys to defend you now huh? Well, that just proves how much of a slut you really are," another girl cackled. Ryoma seemed to be annoyed with their snobby attitude and comments.

"Oi! Fuck of will ya? You disgust me with your stupid comments," Ryoma remarked nonchalantly.

The girls seemed to have only noticed the prince's presence then because their attitudes went from anger to surprise... "R-Ryoma! What are you d-doing h-here?!?!" they nervously chuckled.

Ryoma wasn't going to put up with their fake asses so he rolled his eyes and said, "Let me get straight to the point. Leave. Us. the. fuck. alone."

The girls were speechless, but once they got back to their senses, they tried to continue playing innocent...

"B-But Ryoma~ Yuri is a slut. You see it right now as you and her are surrounded by these boys," one girl tried to reason. Ryoma sighed as Yuri facepalmed.

"Being around a bunch of tennis-playing friends doesn't mean I sleep with them idiot!" Yuri sighed.

"Well, I bet you haven't even gotten better since you've left! I bet you got weaker actually!" the original girl had mocked. It seemed like that pushed Yuri pass the line because she then had a red glint in her eyes.

"1 match..." Yuri mumbled.

"What?" a girl asked sassily.

"Play me 1 match to see if I have gotten worse," Yuri clarified.

The girls seemed to have became intimidated, but they tried to hide it as they accepted the challenge. When they went to an empty court, all the girls then stood on one end of the court while Yuri stood on the other.

She then took her racquet and looked up expectantly to the girls when one of them yelled, "Smooth."

Yuri then spun her racquet, the result coming out to be rough...

A few of the girls visibly gulped in fear, knowing all too well what Yuri was capable of doing when it came to her service games. One thing about this match though is that Yuri seemed a bit off. Not only were her eyes gold and silver, but they seemed to have been slowly...fading?

Yuri had gone over to the baseline to position herself to begin the first game. She turned to Eiji, the umpire for the match, as he called out the usual formalities. "Yuri Sakuri vs group of girls, 1st game, Yuri's serve."

Yuri then threw the ball up into the air before serving the girls a basic serve. The girls then began a heated rally for the point when Yuri then hit the ball using Butterfly Shot. As she hit the special move, her eyes began to fade as well. Very few people noticed this, but if they did see her eyes changing then they didn't say anything as it wasn't brought up.

Minutes later, the games were tied to 4-4, many of the girls that were facing Yuri had passed out due to their lack in stamina. With every special move used, Yuri's eyes faded more into a pure white.

It was the other girls' service game when they had decided to hit a heavy ball. The thing about that ball was that it was aimed at Yuri's face. Surprisingly, Yuri had foreseen this and immediately hit the ball back before a blinding light surrounded Yuri's body. Soon she was enveloped by it and when it dimmed into a faint outline, Yuri's body seemed to have reformed.

Her eyes were pure white, a white outline outlining her body. One thing stood out to the others though... She was flying and had wings.

Her wings were a soft white, gently flapping as they kept Yuri off the ground. She didn't have a halo, but the wings seemed to have people thinking she was a real angel. If you looked close enough, you could see that the lining around Yuri was actually the visible outlines of the tennis angel that Yuri had hosted. The angel was in the same position as Yuri, almost as if they were in sync. Then, Yuri spoke...

"My~ my~. You seem to doubt me for my appearance, but I show you this in hopes you change. Tennis has been the foundation of many things in my life, but many have tried to corrupt me. I'm not one to corrupt this gift and talent, but I have been constantly in threat of being abused with this gift. Don't ever underestimate me, but I will always prevail."

The game soon ended with the girls forfeiting, saying that they were sorry and that they'd leave and never do this again. Ryoma was in utter shock at Yuri's new state. She was beautiful, but he worried over how this would affect Yuri's physical body.

The lights began to fade out as Yuri then was regaining consciousness, but it seemed like reforming as an angel utilizes so much energy. Yuri soon gracefully stood back on solid ground, but that wasn't the thing that worried the boys.

Yuri may have gotten control over her body again, but she became pale and looked sick to her stomach. Ryoma was first to notice and luckily had ran over to her in time. Yuri soon passed out, falling into Ryoma's arms as he caught her.

The other boys quickly rushed over, Oishi checking her pulse and breathing as Fuji called an ambulance. Tezuka and the others stood around with worry and concern, praying that Yuri was okay.

Once the ambulance came, Yuri was brought onto a stretcher and Ryoma accompanied her in the back of the vehicle as the others had began running towards the hospital that they were going to be holding Yuri at.

All they could think about right now was....

'Please be okay Yuri...' 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now