Chapter 3

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The finalizer felt silent stepping out to the open space. Every worker and trooper in the room was looking for a second, to see the new arrival.

"Commander Malus, General Tashia and General Braley, welcome to the First Order, I am to escort you to the meeting room" A worker came over and told us. He stood with straight back, arms behind and an expressionless face, not allowing to see his feelings shown in his eyes or voice.

Looking around, taking in all the features and details of the ship. There was a big glass room to give a view over the hangar. As for the middle back of the hangar, there was a staircase leading up to one of the many halls.

We started walking towards the stairs.
"Is this the main hangar, is this what all your hangar looks like?" Braley asked

"Well the finalizer has four hangars, three of them contain different sizes of ships and stormtroopers. This one is the more protected hidden hangar" the worker told us
"This hangar has a staircase leading up and has a main 'window' for us to look out at. As you can see, up there. It is one of our main meeting rooms."

It wasn't long till we got there, the worker stood to the side for us to enter the door, the generals walked in first and I was last. I held my head high.
Show time I thought

I strutted into the dark room ahead, all eyes on me and my companions. Everyone stood up and waited for me to arrive at my seat. Everyone but Kylo Ren, who was sitting at the head of the table and what you presumed was his eyes staring forward not even acknowledging your presence,
two can play at this game I thought to myself.

"Welcome commander Malus to The First Order, please take a seat. I'm gener-"

"Oh general Hux, I know who you are," I stated "thank you for organizing this meeting, Shall we get to work then?" smiling lightly.

Files were spreaded around the table and voices from everyone in the room spoke words that made no sense. The only people who were silent were me and Kylo.
He hasn't spoken a word since we arrived, especially how after all, this alliance was his idea...or maybe it wasn't but he had to have a say somewhere.

My eyes caught his eyes, staring at me underneath his mask, and for a moment everyone in the room disappeared behind me. It was just Kylo and you. Staring at each other, for a split second before General Hux interrupted the moment with something that caught my attention.

"Well if you want money, we have plenty of that" he questioned to Irene, she was about to answer before I interrupted her.

"You think I need money, General Hux? I have money. Enough to buy a whole planet actually, General," my fingers twisted the emerald pendant on my neck.
"This necklace is carved from the finest emeralds from the planet, Ord Cestus. You think I need your money, you're poorly mistaken." All eyes were on you, including Kylo's

"Well my mistake, commander. What do you expect from this alliance?"

"Lets see, if i'm going to be spending more time here, with meetings and training, I will need my own quarters." I said calmly.

"That can be arranged, Commander." he nodded at you and to the other generals seated next to him.

"We expect you to help with our battles, as much as we will help with your ongoing fight with the resistance"

"Of course, the First Order will help with anything the Hel Command needs."

"Great. That's all I need then....for now at least." I smiled while playing with my emerald earrings. A deep robotic voice suddenly spoke.

"So is everything settled then. We have an alliance?" The masked creature spoke.
Why did it take him this long to finally say something? My eyes wandered to him along with everyone else in the room, but he was only looking at me.

"Yes, yes I think it is. Have you got anything else to add, Commander?" I challenged him.

"No." the robotic voice rumbled.

A beat of silence passed and I slowly peeled my eyes off him.

"Okay then, where do I sign?" General Hux pulled out a paper from one of the files scattered on the table. I read over the words, everything written down was everything we just discussed. My finger clicked the black pen and signed my name with a flick.

"You will need to take this to your supreme leader. He has to sign it to, bring it back to me and our alliance is complete."

"I will" I stood up from the leather chair pulling my dress down my thighs, and pulling a stray hair behind my ear. I didn't want him to notice, but Kylos eyes stared at you the whole time, never leaving my black dress that hugged my curves. I looked at him one last time before walking to the door, with the other generals.

As soon as I was out of the dark room, I let out a breath I didn't know I needed to let out. All the other generals scattered back to their officers while General Hux reamied with us.

"It was nice meeting with you today and I hope this alliance will be beneficial for both of us." he spoke with his back straight and his arms behind him.

"Also, don't mind Ren. He doesn't speak much to new people." he rolled his eyes.

A small lightly giggle left my mouth. "I can tell general. Well we must be on our way, I'll make sure to get the leader to sign these contracts and get them back as soon as possible." He nodded at us one last time and went back to his office. The same man from earlier escorted us back to our ship.

General Tashia and General Braley were already on the ship waiting for me to finish my conversation with the man. He was very interesting for a low ranking engineer.

"It was very nice meeting you but I must be on on my way" I smiled at him

"You too, I hope to see you around again, miss" He walked away, his feet tapping the black floors. I looked around one more time as my eyes wandered up to the clear window where we just had our meeting, and staring down at me was Kylo Ren.
His legs wide apart and his hands in fists by his side. He has a wide muscular frame. He towered over me and looked down upon me, his eyes never leaving mine. i nodded at him, fluttering my eyelashes at him as I did. Slowly, my black heels carried me up the small stairs to my ship and I sat down with Iréne.

Who was Kylo Ren?

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