Chapter 4

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I laid in bed looking up thinking about Kylo's eyes on mine in that meeting, the way I felt him stare at me throughout the force. Staring at my body when I stood up. It stayed repeating in my head until I felt sick to my stomach, rushing to my bathroom while I vomited into the sink, thoughts of Kylo disappeared from my head. Stumbling back to my bed in the dark and wrapping myself in the black silk blanket, I dozed into a dreamless sleep.

beep beep
beep beep

My alarm awoke me, earlier than I had expected. Today I had to get the Supreme Leader to sign the papers of our new alliance and drop them off to the first order. I hope I don't see commander Ky-


You're not thinking about him I thought and pushed his name to the back of my head. There was no point in thinking about someone who looked at me a number of 3 times.

I hopped out of bed and made my way over to the closet, pulling on a skirt and blouse, with some black heels. Fixing my hair, brushing out the curls from last night and applied some makeup and headed for the Supreme Leader's office.


"Good morning, Commander!" Braley spoke cheerfully considering how early it was. He was passing my quarters on the way to his office which was just ahead, thanks to me. I always wanted my best friends to be close by on board.

"Ah morning, Braley. Can I ask if the supreme leader is up in his office yet?" I played with the necklace around my neck.

"He is and he's expecting you. Do you have the contract ready?"

"Yes," I shook the file in my hand.

"Good. Want me to take you there?" he flashed his white teeth at me.

"Oh no no, I've got it. But fancy going to the bar tonight? If you see Iréne invite her to."

The bar onboard wasn't the nicest, but good job that I had my own private one up on top deck with the most perfect view of the galaxy. Nearly every week, I went with my friends to catch up. Nothing work related, just friends talking about everything friends talk about. It was nice as I didn't have many people who I could speak to, Iréne and Braley were the only people I could trust with the real version of myself. Onboard I put on a mask and never let anyone know who I was or what I was thinking. Iréne and Braley were the only ones.

"Yes, that would be great, I'll ask Iréne when I get to my office. I also I need to send over your

schedule for tomorrow it's a-"

"Wait a schedule," I giggled. "Since when do I get a schedule." A confused expression coated my face.

"Since you made an alliance with the First Order, commander."

"Well what's on there, you can still send it over just tell me what's going on."

"Your training with the Knights of Ren tomorrow, you need to learn basic fight movements apparently." he stated.

"Let me guess, the mysterious leader of the Knights of Ren, commander Kylo Ren, doesn't believe that I can fight? Oh well I'll show them," a laugh escaping from my lips. Braley laughed with me right after.

"Yeah you will," our in-sync laugh slowly disappearing "I'll be sure to send it over, can't wait for tonight." he winked and slowly walked away back to his office.

I walked to Supreme Leader Mors office, while replying to messages on my holopad and emails. The new alliance had obviously spread throughout the galaxy, as many other groups were inquiring about an alliance. I ignored all of them. Finally arriving, I knocked on the door and it slammed open with the power of the force.

"Ah my child, I've been expecting you..."
I nodded my head.

"Good morning, supreme leader." I spoke still with your head low.

"Have you got the contract for me to sign, Commander." he wasn't looking at me, but at the vast window behind his desk, it showed off the star filled atmosphere.

"Yes." I placed it on his black desk, he turned his body around as I did.

"Thank you, my child. You know what this alliance means to me, don't you?" He spoke with clear words.

"Yes, of course I do, and I won't do anything stupid to mess it up. I promise, supreme leader."

"Good," he took a black pen from his desktop and signed the contract where it said.  He didn't bother to read over the terms and conditions as he wrote. He handed it back to me, his eyes never meeting mine.

"You're dismissed, commander." The doors flung open and I walked out, heels tapping on the floor.

Walking through the dark corridors slowly getting further away from the office. Two high ranking members walked, stepping to the side.

"Prepare my ship."

AN; our gorgeous outfit for today, and for the next chapter. With our beautiful emerald jewelry

 With our beautiful emerald jewelry

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