Chapter 12

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Sitting on the edge of my bed, I had been staring at the wall for what seemed like hours. Why was Ren like this? Is he like this towards every woman?

I heard a knock from the door and I could feel the presence of Iréne and Braley.

"Hey, so you said you need help with... why are you staring at the wall like something happened?" Iréne asked

"No, nothing happened," I lied, I could tell them anything, I knew that, but how could I tell them that Kylo Ren pinned me against a wall and asked me if I loved the man that was taking me on my first ever date? I couldn't.

"I'm just nervous, that's all." I smiled at them, that bit was true.

"Oh okay then." Braley chirped.

"Let's get ready!!" Iréne rubbed her hands together.


"Do you have anything planned out of what to wear? You are the expert here in fashion, not us." Braley laughed, that was very much true but in this case I had no idea what to wear.

"I am lost, should I go for a dress or?" I thought about my other outfits I bought the other day, "Hm, what about the outfit from Canto Bight. The one you fell in love with at first sight"

"Oh my gosh! Yes, you're right. That one!!" Iréne clapped her hands together and followed me to my closet.

I stepped into my walk-in wardrobe and picked out the blue dress. The only blue dress I had, that I fell in love with. I stood in front of my mirror and held the dress up, my hands rubbing down the beautiful textured dress. Looking back at the closet, I spotted a satin black jumpsuit and looked back at myself in the mirror.

"Maybe for another time. Not tonight" I said to myself

I went back, took the black jumpsuit out. Finding my classic emerald jewelry and handing it to Irene.

"What about makeup?" Braley shouted to us from outside the door, "Can I help with that!?" I could hear him opening my draws and pulling out my different palettes.

"Of course, Barley, what kind of look should i go for? Natural or dramatic?"

"Definitely natural." He answered for me.

Iréne buckled the clasp of my necklace and I put on my earring and bracelet. She left me to get changed into my gorgeous jumpsuit.

"Ta Da!" I walked out of the closet, doing a funny twirl so they could see my outfit. "What do you think!?" I smiled at them.

"Love it, Malus you look stunning!" Braley came over to me and wrapped his skinny arms over me.

"Thank you Braley! Iréne?"

"Braley's right. holy shit you look so beautiful!!" she came over and we were suddenly in a group hug.

"I literally love you guys so much, thank you!"

"Come on let's get started with your makeup." Braley pulled me over to my vanity where he had arranged all my palettes. This was going to go either bad or really good.

"Okay, have a look." Barley turned me around in my chair to face the mirror, what felt like hours of having things prodded into my eyes and brushes scraping my face, they were finally done. I didn't know what I was expecting but they had done such a good job.

"Ugh, you guys, i love it! Thank you so much!" It was a natural look of course, nothing to havey or dramatic but it was so beautifully done.

"Okay, you may be a little late, but oh well! Now go have fun, we'll catch up tomorrow about it!" Braley pulled me into a second hug before lightly pecking my cheek.

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