Chapter 15

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AN: We are changing it from first person to second person. We will slowly be changing the previous chapters to that narrative point of view :))) Hope you are all fine with that.

A cold breeze kissed your skin as you were met with the familiar hangar of The Supremacy, Kylo Ren's ship. Stormtroopers were busying around, and the warm face of Arash met your eyes.

"Missing me already, Malus." he winked at you, although you only saw him yesterday, you had missed him dearly.

"Don't flatter yourself, Admiral." both of your laughs synced as you walked down the stairs of your ship to greet him.

"But seriously what are you doing here?" he questioned, eyebrows bent in.

"Training with the knights and Ren, I need a little break from my ship anyways, so I'll be staying here for a few days."

You weren't planning on staying long, but on your journey here you felt like you needed a little break from the chaos of your ship. Of course, you loved the Hel Command, it was your home, but it could get a little boring especially when your only friends were Braley and Iréne.

"I understand, are they expecting you?"

"No, I don't think so, why?" what was he getting at?

"Oh well they left this morning for a mission, something to do with The Resistance, I'm sure they'll be back by tomorrow though, like usual." he nodded, his brown eyes reading your face.

"Great, a day off from everything, whatever will I do?" laughing as a stormtrooper walked behind you to the ship to probably get your luggage off.

"I can join you after work, if, um, that would be cool-I mean okay?" Arash rubbed the back of his neck, his words coming out in stutters, you reached for his hand, placing it in yours.

"That would be lovely, Arash, send me a text when you're off, okay?" your eyes met his as you pulled your lips into a meaningful smile, you were so happy you met Arash.

"Okay, I'll see you later then!" he exclaimed, smiling once again.

"I'll let you get back to work. Goodbye, Admiral."

"Goodbye, Commander." with one last smile, he turned around walking back up the familiar stairs to his office.

"I'll escort you to your quarters, miss." a faceless stormtrooper nodded at you, your bags clutched in his hands.

"It's Commander to you, but that would be helpful." you nodded at him as you walked in silence to the elevator.

The ride and walk were in silence to your quarters, you were met with the familiar door, the number of your room, 666, still making you giggle. You pressed the keycard and your eyes scanned over the simple yet functional room.

"Thank you for your help, you're dismissed." and with that the stormtrooper placed your bags in the door entry, nodding at you as he marched back to the escalator.


It was beautiful.

You walked further into your room, placing your bags onto your bed while you walked over to the office table. You could see that they had cleaned your room, leaving new water bottles for you to drink. You opened one and gulped down the icy liquid.

You made your way to your closet and you were greeted with an empty closet, the only clothes were four jumpers hung up. They were black and soft with a white embroidered 'The First Order' logo on the right breast. You walked back out to collect your bag of clothes, and you hung them up, it made you think of home and the closet was almost as big as your one at home.

Your feet carried you out of the walk-in wardrobe as you made your way to the large black sofa, the coffee table was scattered with books you left here on your last visit. Smiling at the book you were reading when the knights interrupted your reading on your last visit, you picked it up, again becoming entranced in the story of two star crossed lovers who would rather die than live with each other.

no happily ever after then...

-buzz buzz-

Your eyes fluttered open, becoming aware of your surroundings and where you were.

-buzz buzz-

The annoying vibrating machine carried on, you arose from lying down reaching for your holopad on the coffee table. You had obviously fallen asleep.

Arash, 6 unread messages


I'm coming off work in 5 minutes, are you still on for hanging out?


I'm off work, are you okay?


Hellooooo? Are you aliveeee?


Malus? Your replies are as dry as jakku



I'm not permitted to go to where your quarters are unless I escort someone there so I can't wake you up. I'm going to let you rest as I take it your asleep, we'll speak tomorrow <3


Arash, 0 messages


Arash, I'm so so sorry, i fell asleep, i must have been tired and not felt it, i'm so sorry but i'm really not feeling up to it i'm so tired. Tomorrow though, when I'm well rested!




Morning sunshine, that's okay, I'll see you tomorrow, sleep well.

You slumped back into the couch, feeling guilty as shit that you let down Arash. You swung your feet over and walked across the cold, marble floors to your bed, not even bothering to change out of your clothes, you nuzzled your head to the fresh cotton scented pillow and fell into a deep sleep.

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