Chapter 22

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"Today's training is going to be a little...different." Kylo looked at you, giving a nod

"We will be learning defense. We've mostly done learning to fight but not how to defend yourself which is important." he announced and turned back to whatever he was doing.

You stood with Kuruk, warming up. The other guys stood in the other end of the room having small talks. You looked at Kylo from the corner of your eyes.

"Tell me, did something happen between you and Ren since you two can't keep your eyes off of each other?"

"No, stupid question. Why would something happen between us?"

"Just wondering." Kuruk chuckled, knowing the answer already. I shocked it off.

"Tell me, after I left my quarters, what did you do to Arash? I haven't seen him"

"Oh, nothing special, just gave him a small... lesson." Kuruk lifted his lips into a smirk.

"Lesson? what did you guys do, Kuruk?" you stopped stretching, standing still in front of him. You could hear the small talk from the other end of the room slowly die, feeling eyes towards you.

"Where is he? I told you not to do anything."

"Hospital. Broken bones, maybe even death bed"

There was silence, only the sound of your breathing getting louder by seconds.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you didn't, Kuruk. It was an order from Ren, no admirals down in the commander's quarters, those are the rules." Vicrul broke the silence, everyone walking closer to you two.

"Orders. Orders you say" You looked at Ren, giving him a somehow disappointed face. Even if Arash wasn't the guy for you, he didn't deserve that, no one does.

"Death bed. And it was okay for you guys to walk into my room, but not him, the guy I gave permission"

You grabbed your grey sweatshirt from a chair and went over to the door. Before walking out, you looked back, opening your mouth but nothing came out. Deep down you knew that Ren was a murderer but to hurt someone who had been nothing but nice to you hurt your heart.


"I am here to see Xemo. Arash Xemo" you tapped your fingers on the office table, your black chipped nail polish staring back at you.

"Commander Malus, yes of course. Room 201, let me show you." the lady rose from her seat and you trailed behind her, the sound of her shoes tapping on the floor filled the silence.

"How is he, miss?"

"It's hard to say. He is battling, whoever did it, they really got him"


"Two of the knights of Ren came in with him. They said they found him and then left... but from the x-ray photos, you can see he had been in a fight of some sort, there's a lot of damage." she informed you.

She stood in front of the door, looking up at the number.

"Here we are, he probably can't hear you. He is in a light coma"

The lady left and you walked into the room. Seeing his face in the dimed light, guilt flushed over you. You slowly walked over to the left side of his hospital bed.

There was silence, only the beeping noise of the heart rate monitor filled the room.

You sat down in the chair, leaning against the bed. You took your hand up to his face, brushing off a piece of hair in the way.

"How could they do this to you. They think they did something, acting like big brothers." you started to talk to him, although nothing really happened with you and Arash. He was a kind man, not a single bad thing in his body and too see him here, so fragile and in a coma because of the knights, guilt and anger drowned out your emotions, "I'm sorry they did this to you, you didn't deserve it." a tear fell down your cheek.

"I'm so sick of fucking crying." you wiped furiously over your cheek and walked away from his bed, slamming the door behind you. Your back hit the door as you took deep breaths, you were overwhelmed.

"Urgh, get your shit together, you are a commander of an organization, with power everyone wishes to have." You stood up. You were going to a place to speak with a person not many wishes to meet. Marching in the halls, your head was high up, straightened back.

By the time you had walked down the halls, you stood in the elevator, going down.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

"Child, come further into the room."

"Supreme leader Snoke, I am seeking your help"

You stood in front of his throne, kneeling down on one knee.

"And what might that be?"

"I wish for my grandfather not to hear this, but only you"


"I need your guidance, your training. To become a true sith. I feel something I have never felt, softness" Snokes face became ill with the last word. He sat on edge of his throne, looking down on you.

"I will help you, only us two know about this, I will help you with your training. We can not let this become of you. Come here tomorrow and we shall begin." He waved his hand for you to leave.

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