Chapter 9

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I was escorted down the long metal hallways, stormtrooper LE-2429 walked at a steady pace in front of me. With the silent sound of our heels and boots clicking for each step, we turned one last time and the trooper stopped. I walked in front, opening the door, revealing a dimly lit room,

why were all the fucking rooms on the first order so dark?

The trooper turned and walked away before I could thank them.

I walked into the meeting room and was met by a long table with generals and admirals.

The chatter instantly died down, full attention on me. I could feel every eye drinking up my appearance.

I turned my head when I heard a mouth open

"Glad you could make it in time. Welcome to your first supreme council meeting, take a seat over there"

"Thank you, General Hux." I smiled at him, he smiled back.

I walked over to the right side of the table, taking a seat.

There were five seats on each side of the table.

On the other side, in order sat Admiral Frantis Griss, Admiral Arash Xemo, General Amret Engell, General Enric Pryde, and then there was an empty seat.

On the side I sat on was General Domaric Quiin, General Bellava, General Jonajeff Walcor, then I sat in the fourth seat and Hux sat next to me. No ren, even though he said he would be there.


"So as to get it clarified, we..." General Pryde was Interrupted by Kylo walking into the meeting room, he went over to the empty seat and sat down. Everyone looked at him for a second. He looked up at me, and I could see his head turning a little to the side, even when he had his mask on.


"Well then, let's ask someone else what they think. What about you, Malus, haven't said a word at all yet" General Pryde spoke out

"I'm sorry?"

"with how we win another battle" he continued

"Uhm well," I looked around and then my eyes fell on Kylo. I slowly turned back around to face General Pryde.

"I for one think something different. Have any of you tried changing the program of the troopers. Not only about training, but the blasters. As for what I know, the blaster DH-19 that you are on now, has a shooting fire rate 75%, giving the range and damage for only around 50%. This implies that dying is lower than you think..."

"But I have seen people die. People don't survive a blaster" General Pryde spoke

"Well there is something called acting, and people can act dead, general. You can survive many things, and I believe that blaster is surely on the list. All it takes is to change the power. It can be done within a couple of days if you have the right people dealing with guns"

"Very well, for now the meeting will end and we will catch up on it in the next few day" General Hux said. Everyone got up and walked out the room. I was about to go too before Hux spoke. 

"Commander Malus." he nodded at you.

"General Hux, how may I help you?" Hux was a pasty looking man, very tall and thin, though he was quite attractive. He had always been very welcoming of this alliance, he wasn't your friend but maybe the word comrade fit your relationship better.

"Supreme leader Snoke wants to see you now-meet you for the first time. Commander Ren and I will escort you"

I looked at the table, Hux was standing by his seat, holding paperwork while Ren was standing by the overview window looking down at the Hangar not even noticing you.


"very well then"


The doors to a big dark room opened. I didn't have a chance to look round, a pit in my stomach was making me incredibly nervous.

Why? I never get nervous...

Ren and Hux stood on each side of me

"Commander Malus"

"Supreme leader Snoke" I looked up at the big hologram of the leader.

"An honor. The second I felt your presence, I felt so much strength. More darkness rising, more than anyone could think of. You are dangerous to the resistance, the light side, they fear you, "

I was satisfied with Snoke telling me this. I looked straight ahead, not wanting him to feel my nerves.

"but do you?"

I looked back up at him, questioning what he asked

"Do you fear?"

"I don't fear anybody. I have seen the world as it is and what it could be. I have been through many things. I don't fear, it's a pathetic term and a waste of emotions." I never left his eyesight. The words I spoke were true, I had seen the world in all forms and there's nothing, I fear.

"You have a special power, not just the force that you, your grandfather and I know of. Soon, everyone else will know. Raw, untamed power, beyond anyone could think of, you come from a great bloodline. The world is cruel and wicked, and it is our job, the dark side, to put things in the right place."

"I agree, Supreme leader." I ignored the first part of that sentence; my grandfather had obviously told Snoke about my powers. Hux and Ren were incredibly confused, I felt their eyes on me, questioning what Snoke had just said.

"You're all dismissed, thank you commander Malus for visiting me, it's greatly appreciated."

and with that the hologram glitched away leaving the cold dark room empty.

Ren placed his hand on my back leading my back, leading me to the elevator.

"get your fucking hand off my back, Ren." I whispered, clear. Only so he could hear though, Hux hadn't even noticed.

"Watch your mouth." he whispered back, even with his mask on, I just knew he was smirking underneath it, I rolled my eyes and we continued to the elevator in silence, Ren's hand never leaving my back.

I stepped into the elevator and Ren's hand finally left your back.

"We have another meeting and then your ship will be here to take you back to the Hel command." Hux read off his holopad to me.

"Oh." was all I said, in some ways I had really enjoyed my time here on the first order, meeting the homicidal knights of ren, spending more time with Admiral Xemo and I slept so well last night.

"Is that okay, Commander?" Hux's eyebrows bent into confusion.

"What? Oh. Yes of course. Thank you, Hux." I smiled at him and he smiled back. I really took a liking to Hux.

The elevator opened and I was immediately taken to my next meeting, they seemed to be all the same, taking down the resistance, things to make the stormtroopers not so shit, ruling the galaxy and of course Ren arrived fashionably late every time. My ship arrived and I was back home at the Hel Command, greeted by my Iréne and Braley in open arms. Gods, I had missed them so much. We had drinks like normal, catching up like friends do. I told them about my encounter with Snoke and The Knights of Ren, they told me about the new plans for a weapon being designed and how Braley had asked out one of his co-workers and he rejected him

"I'll kill him." and I meant it.

"No, you won't, Malus. It's fine, I'll wait a little longer for my knight in shining armour." he winked.

I was lying in bed, thinking about how my two days spent on the first order were actually enjoyable, I found myself even missing the Knights of Ren. I turned over nuzzling my head into my sheets and fell into a dreamless slumber.

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