Chapter 18

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*Warning* This chapter contains smut. Not intense smut, but it's there ;)) We all need church. We recommended listening to Do I Wanna Know or Daddy Issues (both slowed)


His deep voice sent shivers down your body, why was he here?

You turned your body to face him, his eyes were on the bartender pulling down the whiskey bottle from before, he was wearing the same thing from the other night or maybe that's all he wore...probably. His black hair was fluffy like it had just been dried and his scent was intoxicating even from across from him, his leather scent filled your nostrils. Rens large hands wrapped around the cold whiskey glass that was just set down as his eyes met yours.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare," he picked up his glass, the icy rim meeting his plump lips as he took a sip.

"Thanks, um, for the lighter." What were you supposed to say to him?

He nodded, his golden eyes staring into yours. You inhaled the bitter smoke of the cigarette, the taste full of nostalgia and memories, you only smoked when you were upset or angry and right now you were both.

His eyes were still staring at yours as you puffed away.

"Ren, what are you doing here?" lips pulling away from the cigarette, turning to look at him.

"Well, it's my bar, so the better question is what are you doing here?" his lips pulling into a playful smirk.

"Well if you want to know," you pulled your whiskey to your mouth taking a big swig if you were going to relive the last half an hour to Ren, "me and Arash were in my quarters, when your knights so rudely interrupted my moment, leaving me embarrassed and seeing red. So, I thought I'd come here to relax and have a drink, only to be met with you." oxygen was running out when you had finished, taking another drag of your cigarette before turning it into the ashtray centered on the bar.

"What were you doing with Arash?" Ren questioned, out of everything from that story he cared about what me and Arash were doing?

"Nothing." Ren had no right to know about your business.

"What were you doing with him, Malus." your name sounded so good coming from his mouth.

"About to do what adults do, Ren. Gods." in a flash, he suddenly grabbed your hand from the table, dragging you out of the bar, all eyes on you as he did. He dragged you through the hallways, no one saw him doing this as he did, the halls were empty.

"Get the fuck off me!" you shouted again and again as you tried to wiggle out of his grasp, you're hand aching from his hard grip. You arrived at a door just like yours, Ren pulled you in as you realized where you were, his fucking quarters.


"You were going to have sex with him!?" Ren shouted for all of the first order to hear, the door to his quarters were locked and he was getting angrier by the second.

"What the fuck, Ren. I'm allowed to do whatever I want, I don't belong to anyone." why did he fucking care?You were shouting back at him now, his fists clenched at the side of his hips.

"Why do you care so much? Why are you so concerned?" yes you had had a few moments with Ren, but it could never and would never work.

This is why it bothered you, he doesn't need to be concerned with your own personal life, and you could clearly tell he was jealous of Arash, interrupting your date with him, and no doubt he was behind the situation before getting his knights to stop it.

"Because, I want you." the words took you back, he had never been this open and honest with you and for some reason it felt like these were the first time he had ever said these words to someone. You walked closer to him, looking up and meeting his eyes.

"Then have me."

His hands grabbed your hips as yours reached to his face, his lips crashed into yours, the kiss was like Ren was starved from your touch. His tongue slid further into your mouth, the taste of cigarettes and whiskey, and it was fucking perfect.

"Just tonight." you said against his lips he pulled back, Ren's eyes searching yours, and nodded pulling further.

Your digits reached down to his buttoned trousers, deja vu from earlier today flooded your mind but you pushed passed it. Ren's hands reached for your top, pulling it off, he on your own jeans and all of a sudden you were almost naked in front of the commander of the first order. He led you further into his room, his lips never leaving yours as the back of your legs hit the bed behind you, he lay you down as he stood looking down on you. Ren pulled his jumper off, dropping it on the floor next to you.

"Tell me what you want." his raspy voice asked.


He nodded at the signal you gave.

"What do you really want?"

"You, I want you to fuck me so hard, that I wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow"

He smirked, looking at your eyes, his eyes slowly lowered down, giving a full glance at your body.

You sat up a little and he got closer to the bed. His big hands took your head and the index of his fingers traced down your jawline.

"You know what to do"

You took down his boxers, revealing his erected cock, you started pumping his shaft before taking the head in your mouth. A groan came from his lips, he was so weak you thought to yourself, coming undone at your touch.

"fuck, I'm gonna-" he spilled into your mouth, choking as he pulled out from you. You wiped your lips.

He climbed on top of you, "you're so pretty like this, submitting yourself." you leant up to his ear, your hands on his biceps to pull you up to whisper in his ear, "I'm not submitting anything to you." he smirked as he slowly slid his cock inside you, your walls accommodating to his size.

"Shit." you slammed your head back in pleasure, as he slowly thrusted inside you. He was attractive, his wavy hair directly above you, sweat dripping down his forehead as he went faster and his amber, brown swirled eyes never leaving yours, your eyes rolled back into your head as you started to come undone, he noticed.

"That's it," he groaned in between "cum for me." That was enough for you. You covered your mouth as the orgasm came over your body, your legs shaking violently as he pulled out of you. He rolled off your body, lying next to you as you both came down from your highs, both of your breathing matched up. Ren ran his fingers through his hair as he turned to face you.

He smiled as he traced lazy circles on your stomach. Rolling over to the other side as you stood up from the bed.

"What-wait where are you going?" Ren questioned.

"Back to my quarters? Why?" no way were you about to have round two.

"Stay." his eyes met yours and he really did want you too. Considering your options, it would be nice to stay here with Ren. Not that you were lonely, but you hadn't shared a bed with someone in forever, you lay back down next to him and he pulled the covers over both your naked bodies.

All of this would be over tomorrow, you'd go back to training with him and the knights and everyone would act like none of this would've ever happened, but did you want that. Did you want to become strangers again? No. But you were never going to tell him that.

You turned over away from him, as sleep came over you.

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