Chapter 14

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I couldn't sleep at all last night. By the time the clock had hit 06:30, I realized I had been awake for more than six hours. I had gathered myself together and gotten up from my bed. I took a cold shower to wake me up and got on my usual uniform.

Walking down the halls to the higher-ranked cafeteria, this time in the morning, people were still sleeping or just walking to work, meaning the cafeteria would be quite empty. I stepped inside and was greeted by two generals laughing in the corner.

I walked over to the table and plopped myself down next to them.


"Who the hell pissed on your oatmeal this morning? Why so grumpy?" Iréne asked, while spooning some cereal into her mouth.

"I didn't sleep at all last night." I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"How was the date?!" Braley came into the conservation, biting a piece of toast.

"It was amazing, everything was going perfect, until Ren came" I spat and rolled my eyes at the thought of his hands on my body last night.

"What!" both Iréne and Braley shouted at same time

"Well, I asked him what he was doing here, and he said he just wanted a nice night with his men, until they all came tumbling out of the elevator, all shouty and giggly, ruining our romantic night. So, of course, I stormed up too them demanding that they shut the fuck up and Ren then apologized on behalf of his knights. Then I went back to my quarters and he lightly kissed me goodnight." I took a long breath and sipped at Irene's coffee, she hadn't noticed.

"Well at least you told them and then got a kiss at the end of the night." Irene smirked, playing with her hair.

Should I tell them about Ren?

I honestly love my friends with my whole heart, they were kind to me, and I knew they would support me with this...whatever me and Ren were. At the end of the day, I was brought up to trust nobody, I couldn't let my guard slip, what if one day me and my friends fell out and they exposed all your secrets? Well that's the thing, I don't tell them anything about me, I just can't. They know I have no family and my favorite colors, but they don't really know me. This thing with me and Arash was the most I had told them about my personal life.

"Anything else we should know, Malus?" Braley smiled at me, almost like he had just read all my thoughts.

"Oh, no, no nothing." I fake a smile at them.

"Ren's a dick for interrupting date night but at least he apologized." Iréne shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, he doesn't sound like a nice person, Malus." Braley agreed, looking over at Irene.

"Ren is being Ren. Ever since I met that man, I feel like he has brought me down. Small things that have made me feel weak and pathetic. I will show him who is the powerful one. Can't afford to lose to a woman, Ren makes me a sheep when I am a dragon"

Iréne and Braley finished their food by the time I was done with my ranting, both nodding their heads to confirm they had listened.

"So, what is up for today general Tashia?" I asked

She took out her holopad, keeping track of our plans.

"Visiting your grandfather..."


"Supreme Leader Mors, you asked to see me" I bowed my head.

"I and leader Snoke have been talking, it is time for you to show the knights of Ren and commander Ren your power. Force training. I have heard good things about your visit at the first order and your last training, but."

I looked up at him, waiting for what was coming.

"You haven't shown who you really are, only the surface of yourself. Pathetic, we need more." He scolded me.

"I agree with you, Supreme Leader, but remember don't be too hasty with my power, we still need this to remain a secret from our enemies of the galaxy." I said, much too bravely for a person who could get their neck snapped in a heartbeat by him.

"Hm, you're right. Tell the first officer you see to prepare your ship and take you to the first order. Kylo Ren and the knights of Ren left early this morning. Be off with you." He waved his hand in my face, leaning back into his chair.

I scurried out of his throne room, not wanting to get on his bad side. Heels clicking loud each step I took, I made eye contact with the first General I saw.

"Prepare my ship."

"Yes commander." he nodded and turned around typing on his holopad.

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