Chapter 16

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"You're late." Kylo Ren's modulated voice stated like it wasn't the obvious

Thinking back to when you awoke late in the morning to an email about an early training session with Ren and the knights, so of course you were late. You were stumbling around in your room and into your closet, as you pulled on your training uniform and headed straight to the training room.

"Yeah, well you didn't give me much notice did you, Ren." you rolled your eyes at him, strutting further into the dimly lit training hall.

"Hm." Ren turned around to the weapons rack, his large back facing yours.

"Well, where are the knights?" your eyes peered around the room and no one else was in there, just you and Ren.

"I let them have a day off, we had a difficult mission yesterday. It's just us." he turned back around with an unfamiliar lightsaber in his hand.


This was strange.

You had never trained with Ren by yourself, it was always with the knights.

"Well, take off your helmet, you won't be needing it" you looked up at him, his empty, soulless mask peering back down at you.

Gods, you hated that thing.

You were met with the recognizable sound of the hiss and the click of his helmet being taken off, he dropped it onto the floor with a thump as it hit the hard mats beneath you.

His face sent memories rushing to your head from the other night, not that you had forgotten what happened, but you had to push his touch away, it was all you could think about. It was keeping you up at night and distracting you from your goals, but now as his eyes met yours you wanted nothing more than to kiss his plump pink lips.

"uhm," coming back down to reality "you said to bring my lightsaber" you said, looking down at the craftsmanship of the beautiful black and gold saber, your digits running over the glossy paint job.

"You know I don't use it very often, only in special circumstances. Same goes for the force, if I can skip using the force or my lightsabers, I would gladly take the opportunity." you explained to a very confused Ren.

"Why? You have a unique power not many have it. I can sense it in you, I'm not sure of your powers or what you're capable of, but I know that we need you to use you as a weapon against the Resistance. It will come in useful." Ren's eyes scanned over your face trying to read your features.

Your eyes looked back down at your weapon as you considered Ren's words. He didn't know of your power, but he knew there was something off with you, you thought back to what your grandfather said this morning

You haven't shown who you really are, only the surface of yourself.

You have never told anyone of the powers you possess and right now seemed like the perfect time to reveal it, but you couldn't bring yourself to do so, it felt like such an intimate thing to do, and you just didn't have the ability, not today. You snapped yourself out of your conflict and looked away from your saber to meet Ren's amber eyes.

"Well, Ren, if this is what you need of me, to re-teach my techniques. Then teach me." a smirk tugged at your lips as today's question of what you were doing here was answered by your own doing.

"That's the plan for today," he smirked, "come." his leather digits signaled for you to walk further into the room, you both stood in the middle of the training hall, both of your lightsabers in hand.

You tapped the button, and a red flame burned from the tip, it took you back how it roared to life with a single push of a button, Ren's saber followed after yours. Your thought back to the times you had used it, great times.


Both of your eyes met, and you smiled a real smile at him. If anyone was going to re-teach you how to use a lightsaber, you were glad it was Ren.

Ren's saber suddenly spun in his hand, signaling that you were about to fight, your feet stumbled back as you mirrored Ren's action of the spin. He suddenly ran at you as you dodged the flame, sweat dripping from your forehead as the temperature of the saber skimmed your face. You ran towards Ren, aiming for his torso to stab him right in the middle for a clean cut, it wouldn't kill him, but it would take him back for ever underestimating you. He skidded past you, he jumped up as you turned around.

"Ren," you're breathing becoming heavy, "I need proper training, you can't just expect me to fight, it's been so long since I've used my saber"

Ren's boots thudded towards you, his eyes never leaving yours. He was all of a sudden so close to you, his chest heaving up and down, his body so close to yours. Ren's gloved hand pinched your chin, he quickly moved your head to look up at yours, his golden eyes suddenly burning your head, your lips parted as you looked down from him.

"You're so beautiful." the words took you back, but you had never felt happier to hear those words fall from Ren's lips.

Your hands reached up to his face, pulling him closer as both of your lips collided with each other, he moved his hand from your chin to your hips, his hands running over your curves as he did.

Why were you doing this?

You and Ren couldn't be like this with each other, things were going so well with Arash and the two commanders of both of their commands couldn't be seen like this, it just wasn't an option.

Yet you couldn't pull away, his lips just fit with yours, like they were made for each other, your hands ran through his black curls as heat overcame your body and a blush covered your cheeks.

Ren pulled away from you, his eyes looking down at the floor.

"What's wrong?" had you done something wrong?

"Like you said the other day, we can't."

He walked away from you to his helmet lying on the floor as he shoved back over his face, he turned around and looked at you one last time before walking out of the large room, slamming the door behind you, leaving you alone with your thoughts

The words 'we can't' replaying in your head.

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