Chapter 23

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10 days since the meeting with Supreme Leader Snoke, 10 days since you last saw the Knights of Ren and Ren, when they left for a mission. Now it's been a week since you started training with Snoke. He was cruel with never giving you a break, but the only thing you could do was to suck it up. Every day, you would come out with sore muscles and blue marks or even small scars from knives and lasers.

Training went well but hearing Arash still hadn't woken up from the coma devastated you.

"Commander, your thoughts?"

You were snapped out of the moment, the meeting. You were standing by the huge glass window over the main hangar. Watching workers and stormtroopers pass by while your mind was wandering to more important things. You straightened your back and turned around to meet the voice.

"Excuse me?" you were met with General Hux's eyes.

"About the last report on planet Kijimi, Bryx sector, Mid rem" Hux spoke off an holopad, his finger swiping over the screen.

"and what about it?" you questioned, intrigued but you honestly couldn't care less, you had better things to do then speak to Hux.

"two dozen troopers dead" he spoke.

"How so?" the thing is, The First order treated the stormtroopers like shit. They beat them down with training, never let them have breaks and they lived in horrible conditions onboard the finalizer, so no wonder they were weak, always dying. My troopers onboard Hel Command were treated better. We want them to take their work seriously.

"How so? Well, ask Ren who is looking for the map to Skywalker." Hux rolled his eyes at you as he darted them back down to his holopad.

"I suggest you don't waste troopers while he isn't here. That's a waste, while we have better things to do like find the resistances base. I want to have a mandatory check up on armor and guns, better training for the wars ahead." you looked away from the table full of generals and admirals to look back down on the hanagar.

Everyone started tapping away on their holopads, taking in everything you just said.


Everyone left at once as you noticed two stormtroopers laughing with each other in the hangar below. Your mind went weak for a second, thinking about when the last time you laughed.

"You know, I got a report 10 minutes ago that might interest you" Hux spoke softly, standing beside you.

Ever since you stopped speaking with Ren and the knights, you had started to have many conversations with Hux. Since you had no one else on board, you missed Irene and Braley dearly, but you explained to them many times that business was business and you'd be back soon.

"And that is?"

"He has woken up. Asking for you." He was obviously referring to Arash as relief washed over you. You turned around, raising your eyebrows. You were surprised but relieved.

You walked past Hux, nodding at him before walking out the door to the hospital.

The doors slid open in front of you and you walked into the hospital bay.

"Commander." The lady behind the desk stood up, greeting you with a nod of respect.

"Here to see the patient who woke up from his coma," you spoke softly "Arash Xemo."

"yes, of course, this way." She led you to the familiar hospital room.

You walked into the small hospital room, met with a busted up Arash. He didn't smile when he saw you, instead just shifted his eyes over your face.


"Hi." blunt and a hint of annoyance in his voice, great.

"Um, how are you?" you questioned, worried for your friend.

"Fine. You?"

"Fine, but i want to know about you..." your lips pulled into a soft smile.

"Theres nothing to know, I got beat up by your knights because I thought you liked me but in fact you were just fucking kylo ren." he spat at you, his eyes bloodshot from all the meds.

"Not my knights and I'm not- I'm not fucking kylo ren," so obviously this was a bad idea, talking to him so soon, "who would even say I was?" you questioned where he found that out.

"Oh please, you act so fucking innocent when your not."

"Innocent!? Fuck you, Arash I'm far from innocent you know that, but to put the blame on me, that is low." anger replaced your happiness from earlier as you realised Arash was a shitty person.

"It is your fault, Malus! You bitch! I was in a coma because of you! All because of you and Kylo!"

"You know what? I did fuck Kylo Ren and he was better than you would ever be." you spat back at him, your hands shaking at your sides. You saw red, you didn't think straight as your hands lifted up and the force wrapped around Arashe's neck. His life was literally in your hands and that power made you feel high, high on the death of others. His red faced turned to purple as his eyes slowly rolled back. You released your grip and stared at Arash's lifeless body.

The women from the front desk came rushing in, "what the fuck did you do?" she screamed and rushed over to Arash, checking his non-existent pulse.

You smiled up at her, "killed him, go back to work." you laughed as you walked out from the suddenly cramped room, the air around you, filling your lungs. You just killed Arash, one of your only friends on the First order and the man you thought you loved for a while, and it felt fucking amazing.

AN: Sorry for the 10 days waiting, you know. School and work nonnnnnnnn-stop

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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