Chapter 20

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After you had calmed yourself down, you left Kylo's quarters wearing his oversized top that hugged your curves. You didn't want to, but after having your first ever dream about your late father, you didn't have the strength to stay.

It was around 01:00 when you eventually left and the hallways of the First Order were empty, a very rare sight. When you finally got back to your room, memories of today flooded your mind, your room was untouched making you wonder what happened with the knights and Arash...Arash

What were you going to say to him?

Your mind pushed the question back, you had more important things to think about like your father.

"Your father."

What a weird thing to say out loud, you never gave much thought to your parents and now you wished you went into more depth with them, atleast find out their names but you always just accepted that they were dead, move on.

But now everything had changed, your mother, she was somewhere in this galaxy, and you had to find her. You sat on your bed, your hands crumpled into your head as you replayed the dream again and again in your head, trying to pick up any information about where she could be. Nothing. You decided tomorrow you would go back home to confront your grandfather, your lying, son of a bitch grandfather who made sure you only knew what he told you.

How could you be so naive?

The rest of the night was spent staring up at the ceiling and replaying the three words he spoke to you before you woke.

I love you.

Again and again in your head until tears fell from your eyes onto the soft mattress. As soon as the clock hit 06:00, you quickly packed up a few essentials as you would hopefully be back as soon as possible after you spoke with your grandfather, you needed this break.

Your rode the elevator too where your pilot was staying,

"Take me home, we need to go home"

"Of course, commander, shall I meet you in the hangar?"

"Yes, thank you."

You waited in the familiar hangar of the first order for him, the cold air nipping at your rosey cheeks when he finally arrived.


"Grandfather." you looked up at the man in front of you as you bowed in front of him, he looked like a stranger.

He paced in front of his throne chair "I sense betrayal in you, my girl. What's happened?"

"Not betrayal, more confusion," you corrected him, "I need answers."

"Answers you will receive, go on." he motioned his hand for you to begin talking.

"Who-who were my parents, Grandfather." tears brimmed at your eyes as you asked.

Pull yourself together.

"What has brought this on, Malus?" he questioned confusion leaking out of his words,

"they were nobody, and you know-"

"No, they were not and I'm asking as your granddaughter to tell me who my parents are." you rose from the kneeling position only to be met with his anger filled eyes.

"He found you, didn't he?"

"I had a dream last night, my first ever dream, of a man who claimed to be my father, I

don't know how the force works but I'm sure it doesn't work like that." you sounded crazy, you knew this but why couldn't he just answer the question.

"Who were my parents." you persisted.


"Answer the question. Who were my parents." frustration evident in your voice.

"Ben Knobi or better known as Obi Wan Kenobi was your father." he shouted, his voice filling the dense air filled with tension. You melted to your knees as tears dripped from your face.

"And my-my mother." you stuttered.

"She, my child, was nobody, believe me, but my son was so in love with her at such a young age and with love comes children," he explained, "Ben was heir to the Hel Command he was going to be as strong as me one day, but he blew it all away when I asked him to complete a single task."

"What task was that, grandfather?" you had a feeling inside you that you already knew but you had to ask.

"To kill anyone he cared about. Including the love of his life, who was already pregnant with you." how could you have been so blinded by this evil man? The sadness suddenly turned into anger as his words sunk into you.

"He wouldn't do it though, before i could get a hold on your mother he put you all on a ship, leaving your mother alone to give birth to you, dying in the process. I told the truth there," he chuckled darkly, and somehow you knew he was lying "the force led me straight to you, as Ben left me, I found you, my replacement," he smirked at your tear stained face.

"Your evil, pure evil." you spat at him.

"And so are you, my child." he reached his hand to your chin pulling your face to meet his.

"Don't fucking touch me." you gathered yourself from the floor, walking out of the exit.

Your mother was still alive, you knew it but where was she and who was she with? You had no time to think as you strapped yourself into the first ship you came across in your hangar. You couldn't think of anything else, just that tonight, you needed to be with Kylo. In his arms.

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