Chapter 10

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I sat up in bed, every inch of my body was drenched in sweat and my room was boiling hot. My eyes adjusted and I was in my bedroom, my alarm had not woken me up.

I reached my hand over to my bedside table, picking up my holopad and checking the time. 03:00 in the morning, I rolled out of bed to my bathroom and ran a cold shower to wake me up and wash off the sweat.

Ugh, why was I up at this time? Why had I woken up so flustered? Why did I swear when I first woke up? It's not like I had been dreaming...or were I...

I walked out of the bathroom and dried my hair, pulling on a black pair of sweatpants and a black hoodie, making my way to my private bar.

"What are you doing here so early? It's 4 in the morning, Malus?" Zed questioned, he opened at 6 at night so why was he here cleaning glasses anyway?

"The better question is what are you doing? You don't open until the evening?"

"I've been serving all night...these Knights of Ben? Len? I don't know...were here until 3, drinking and talking..."

It had been a week and a half since I last saw the Knights of Ren and Ren, so what were they doing here? No one had told them about their arrival, maybe I would have been told tomorrow?

"How many of them were here, Zed?" I smiled at him.

"I think 6...yes 6. They weren't loud or anything they just stayed for quiet. I didn't hear what they were saying, so don't ask." he rolled his eyes and turned around, placing his polished glass on the top shelf.

"I wasn't going to!" even though I totally was.

"Hm, I answered your question now you answer mine, why are you up?" He took another glass and polished it with the pink cloth I so kindly gave him for his 200th birthday last year.

"I don't know, I was asleep and then I woke up, all sweaty and hot, I even said fuck when I arose, but I don't dream remember? So, I wonder what it could have been..."

"Ah probably nothing, Malus, everyone gets 'em, what do you want to drink?"

"A coffee please."

"I run a bar not a coffee shop." he grunted at me and folded his arms.

"I'm sure you can make it work, Zed." I fluttered my lashes at him, and he turned around brewing up some hot water.

"Thanks Zed, you're the best."

I walked over to where me, Iréne and Braley always sit, looking out at the beautiful stars and planets we were passing. This was my favorite thing to do as a child, I would sneak up on the top deck and look out and wave to the passing stars, until Zed caught me and kicked me out back to where I came from. The time was now 6, the time I usually woke up at.

I made my way back to my quarters, brushing my hair and putting on some makeup. I got my black uniform dress on and my black boots. I locked the door and was greeted by Iréne as soon as I stepped out of my room.

"Morning, Commander Malus, I have your schedule for today." she smiled.

"Oh well do tell, general."

"The knights of Ren and Commander Ren, from the first order, are here for a tour of the Hel command." she read off her holopad. Her news took me by surprise, though I already knew the Knights of Ren were here, Ren, however I didn't.

Too serious for drinking, huh Ren I assumed.

"Thank you, Iréne. And where will I be meeting-"

The door to the room next to mine flung open and out walked Ren. His robes and helmet already on. His helmet turned right at me, his eyes burning my head.

"Morning Commander Ren. How did you sleep onboard?" Iréne stood straight up, nodding at Ren, obviously she wasn't expecting him to come out of his room. I knew this was protocol, but it was still fucking hilarious that she had to ask that stupid question.

"Good, I was woken up by something though, the sound of someone swearing?"

Fuck, shit, fuck of course he had heard me wake up, I practically screamed fuck for the whole Hel command to hear.

He turned his mask to stare right at me, and I just knew he was smirking underneath his mask, he then turned away his cape fluttering along as he did, even before Iréne could apologize for the inconvenience, my inconvenience.

"Huh, how odd?" she giggled obviously not picking up on the fact it was me.

"Yeah, how strange."

We walked along to the hangar where apparently, I was going to meet up with them.

"Why do I have to give this shitting tour though?" I whined to Iréne who had been ignoring me because I kept asking the same question.

"Because the supreme leader thought it was fitting, since you are the commander. He knows you got on well with the Knights of Ren and it just made sense. Now go, don't forget to smile." she pushed me down the rest of the stairs edging me on, and suddenly all seven masks in front, were looking at me.

"Hello boys."

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