Chapter 8

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I continued walking to the elevator, Kylo's face still embedded in my mind when a panting admiral came up from behind me.

"Gods, admiral Xemo, what's wrong?" a red-faced admiral was crouched down panting trying to get his breath back. Once he calmed down, he began to speak.

"Ugh I'm sorry I'm so late, I was inspecting the stormtroopers blasters and the time just went by and I almost forgot I had to escort you to your quarters onboard." he looked up from the floor straightening his back out.

"Oh, I'm sure I could have found it by myself, you should get back to wo-"

"No no, I'm off now, come on it's this way." he started walking down the corridors, instead of going up the escalator. He asked how my day went with the knights and tried to make small talk with me, but I think he could tell that I didn't really want to speak, I was too tired.

"Here commander Malus." he extended his hand to the door I was standing outside of.

Of course, the number for your room was 666. Very funny. I giggled to myself.

Admiral gave me a keycard and let me sort things out myself.

"Your luggage is already placed on your bed, commander. Dinner is at 18:00 and is down that way," he pointed towards two double doors, slightly opposite from my room that I assumed led to the hall.

"don't worry it's usually only filled with a handful of higher rankings and the knights of Ren." he smiled.

"Oh, yes of course. Thank you, Admiral." I smiled one last time and he walked back to where he came from.

I clicked the card into the lock and the door opened up to a large spaced out room. The decor was minimalist like I had expected but the bed was huge taking up a large amount of space. There was a medium sized dresser, much different from my walk-in closet at home. Home. I wondered how Iréne and Braley were getting on. With a big window to look out to space, there was an office table close.

I unpacked my things placing them inside the draw. I hadn't brought a lot of stuff, but stuff as a nightgown and a suit outfit for tomorrow. Tomorrow was going to be a boring day filled with meetings about techniques and plans for the galaxy and overthrowing the resistance, the usual.

I walked to the bathroom sliding off my training clothes and into the large glass shower, letting the hot water run down my body easing my muscles after spending all day training. I let the water run cold and walked out to the sink where a hairdryer was already plugged in, drying my hair smooth.

With a towel around my body, I walked over to the dresser and looked for what I would wear to dinner.

I am here to rule a galaxy and be powerful, yet I want to be comfortable.

I got changed into a tight short black dress, I felt cold. Looking at the long grey hoddie I had, I took it with me and as I put it on, sipping it up, I made my way to the hall.

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