chapter 10

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"Aite, mom...." Saya continued listening to my mom's chatter... with dad laughing in the background...

I just closed my room door after seeing Holly berjalan ke arah lift... hearing my mom's voice and my dad's laughter really lifted up semangat saya yang kian rapuh...

Holly just rejected me... that's my first ever rejection from a woman... bah, saya mana pernah tidur dengan a virgin sebelum ni... padanlah kau kena reject, Jason! Kau ingat semua perempuan sama ka? Now you met a different kind of species of a woman...

Apa kau rasa? 😳

Saya rasa.... Kecewa.... Ya, saya rasa kecewa... not because dia reject my sexual advances... it's more than that... I don't know how to put a word to it...

"Jay... Jay..." mom's voice mengejutkan saya dari lamunan saya...

"yeah, mom?" saya replied...
"are you listening?" mom tanya saya...

"of course I am..." saya senyum, as if lah mom can see me smiling kan... ini lah wanita tercinta saya... no one can take mom's place in my life...

"so?" mom tanya saya lagi...
"eh? So why, mom?" saya tanya balik...

"you were not listening, Jay..." alamak.... Okay, I was listening but not concentrating... hehehe...

"I was bah, mom..." saya insist juga yang saya ada dengar apa mom cakap...

Unlike Jordan, saya ni keras kepala sikit... hahaha! Tidak mau mengaku kalah... kalau Jordan tu sudah suruh mom ulang balik what she said, dia mengaku saja tu yang dia tidak dengar...

"fine... so is it a yes then?" mom tanya saya... ermmm? A yes?

"yes..." hehehe.... What can go wrong?

"you dengar that, ling!" tiba-tiba mom excited, dia bercakap sama dad... saya tidak dengar suara dad, but I guessed dad mengangguk saja tu... "our sons bukan gay, ling..."

Huh? 😳 GAY? Apa kaitan gay with our conversation?

"wah, why are you so happy, mom?" saya tanya dengan selamba deleting that 'gay' word out of my head, sambil berjalan ke arah my mini bar and took out a can of beer...

Phush, the sound of the beer in the air... AH, YES! I took a sip, and another sip... Nyaman.. 🍺

"I'm so happy my two boys finally ada girlfriend sudah... it's just a matter of time until both you and Jordy get married and give us grandkids, Jay.... Mummy check dulu Feng Shui calendar when's the best month to get married..."

Phushhhh!!! Tersembur semua tu beer dari mulut saya!

Eh? What the fish, mom? (hehehe... itu mummy, so fish lah... hahaha!)

Bila masa saya bilang saya ada girlfriend? Tiba-tiba about marrying, grandkids and Feng Shui?! What the fish is this?!

JORDY. Kau yang ada girlfriend all over IG, saya pula yang kena heret sama-sama kau ah! Nanti kau! 😠 2nd point sudah ni... 1st asking me to fuck Holly, 2nd getting me involved with this 'girlfriend thing'...

WAIT. Did Jordan tell mom anything about last night? Dia bagitau mom Holly is my girlfriend ka ni? JORDAN!!! 🤬

"Mom... mom... mom..." saya stopped mom from carrying on with her excitement...

"yes, Jay?" i can hear the happiness in my mom's voice... macam saya tidak sampai hati menyakitkan hati mom...

"Did Jordy call you recently, mom?" saya tanya, a little tone yang curiga in my voice...

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