chapter 20

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Setelah saya recovered from my shock yang menyebabkan saya terpengsan, saya masih  juga insist to watch the news in my room walaupun saya tau ia akan lebih memudaratkan emosi dan kesihatan saya…

“Indonesian crews pulled out more bodies following the crash of Flight QZ264, raising the total to 60 so far. Of the 60 bodies recovered, 12 have been identified. Efforts are underway to identify the remaining victims. The airplane plunged into the sea as it flew from the Indonesian city of Jakarta towards Singapore. It had 186 people on board. Divers resumed their attempt to lift up the fuselage of the Airbus jet on Sunday after earlier attempts failed.... This is Gordon Kingsley reporting for CNN from Jakarta, Indonesia”

Then the images of the flight crew dan beberapa penumpang yang telah dikenalpasti dipaparkan di kaca TV… the first image on screen was Jason…!

Oh God! Saya memeluk perut saya yang genap 23 minggu dalam kandungan…

“He’s been drunk all over New York, LA, Perth, Rome… he’s not over you, Hol…” kata-kata Hudson terngiang-ngiang di telinga saya…

All those clubs, Jay… All those songs, all your cries, crying for me… why? If you loved me, why’d you leave me? Belum saya bersedia mau nyanyi Kodaline’s 🎵All I Want🎵… it’s too painful… maybe someday...

Saya runtuhkan ke-egoan saya untuk kau at the airport, Jay… but why can’t you do the same for me? If we were together, would you still have left me this way? Would you still die? 💔


The door bell rang… Ngam-ngam handphone saya pun berbunyi...


Aunty Sarah must be ringing on the door bell sebab dia tertinggal her access card… tanpa menukar pakaian terlebih dahulu, saya berjalan keluar dari bilik saya only in my night gown menuju ke pintu rumah…

I opened the house door and got the shock of my life!

“Daddy…” I whispered… terpucat muka saya….

When my handphone rang the second time, it was HUDSON CALLING…

Terkering bibir saya, mata saya terbulat dalam kekejutan yang teramat sangat… Memang saya terkejut dan takut because my dad tidak tau yang saya pregnant… Aunty Sarah and Hudson have been covering me up…

Daddy tengok muka saya yang ketara terkejut dan pandangan daddy perlahan-lahan menurun ke perut saya yang sangat ketara membulat…

“not inviting your dad in?” daddy menaikkan satu kudou…

“oh…” saya buka pintu a little wider to let daddy in… bukan saja daddy, 5 of daddy’s bodyguards semua di luar pintu… but only two ikut masuk…

Sebaik saja daddy melabuhkan punggung on the one-seater sofa…


The door opened and slammed against the wall…


“well, I guess this is a little family reunion…?” daddy asked sarcastically sambil mengeluarkan a cigar from his shirt’s pocket and placed it in his mouth…

“uncle…” suara Hudson yang terkapus-kapus macam baru berlari 100m…

Salah satu bodyguard daddy started to lit up his cigar but daddy menghalang… his cigar in his mouth without smoke…

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