chapter 54

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Yes, I took over Donovan’s flight… his wife is in labour… I could have said no, ada ramai lagi yang boleh replace him while he’ll be on paternity leave…

I had my reasons…

Antara salah satu sebab sehingga membuatkan saya tidak memenuhi our last 7 days, is Holly’s decision to carry on with the divorce…

I can’t take one more day of heart break… the skies will calm me down in my time of distress… it always did...

And the other reason… I don’t want Donovan’s wife to go through what Holly went through… giving birth without her husband by her side…

Ya benar… I know the truth…


Lama sudah tetamu-tetamu pulang…

I looked at my watch, 2am…

I asked Holly kalau dia mau pulang sudah… dia bilang dia hantar Kimberly to the guest room duluan, tidak juga sopan kalau let Kimberly naik sendiri…

Saya ikut naik juga, tapi saya mau pergi bilik Holly, mau cuci muka… penat sudah saya... mana lagi pening-pening akibat banyak minum….

Ngam-ngam saya limpas office Holly's dad yang pintunya berbuka, dia panggil saya masuk… mau tidak mau, saya terpaksa masuk juga office mentua saya… mentua untuk hari terakhir…

“Jason…” suara garau Holly’s daddy menyapa saya..

“Yes, sir…” macam askar kan saya menjawab… saya pandang mata dia… ooppss… “dad…”

“I think I owe you an explanation, regardless of what you and Holly’s decisions will be…” dia bilang dengan suara yang tegas… “I never owe anyone in my life you know… sit…”

what can I say?

Saya mengangguk saja, sambil menarik satu kerusi untuk duduk…

Dari ekor mata saya, saya nampak Hudson melangkah masuk ke dalam office office daddy Holly… tapi dia cuma menyandarkan diri di dinding office, membelakangi saya sambil berpeluk tubuh….

“You never had a wedding…” Holly’s dad said it loud and clear…

I was confused… no wedding? 😳

“You never signed the marriage cert…” he said again…

Tambah saya bingung… I’m not married? 😳

“You are married…  to Holly…” macam dia dapat baca persoalan di fikiran saya…

Berkerut dahi saya, saya memicit-micit dahi saya… macam migraine terus saya….

Maybe my father in-law is drunk right now? Macam semua yang dia cakap tidak masuk akal…

“I… I don’t understand…” akhirnya saya mampu bersuara…

“You crashed, captain…” Hudson said from behind… “You were dead…”

“I married your dead body to my daughter the day Joshua was born…” I looked at Holly’s dad in disbelief… "my grandson will have a father's name, even if his father's dead..."

“I never proposed?” my voice shaking… “Holly never accepted me?”

I bowed and covered my eyes with one hand…

“you never had the chance to propose…” Hudson is now beside me… one hand on my shoulder...

“honestly, Hud…” saya tanya… “when was the last time I saw Holly?”

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