The Side Of My Story 4

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The lights was off and I didn't have not 1 dollar to my name. Tomorrow I would be getting kick out of my apartment. I can't go to Que mother because she would be angry that I was a stripper and that I put her only son in jail.

I light the candles up as I seen sweat coming down Paris face. I put the window up for breeze to come inside the apartment. Looking at Paris almost made me cried. What type of mother I was who keep her daughter in the heat?

I hid my tears, I didn't want her to know I was crying. I knew she was hungry, hot, tired, and bored. "Lay down for me and take a nap, I'll be right back." I rushed out the small apartment.

I went in front of the office to talk to the owner. "Wassup!" I heard him say. "Hey.." I said. "What you want?" I feel ashamed for what I was about to say. Here goes nothing.. "I need a couple more days, then I would have the money. If I get kick out me or my daughter wouldn't have no place to go."

I seen his eye brow went up. "That's not my problem if your late you on your rent you should already know the consequences. Sorry." He walked off with a clipboard in his hand.

I stood there embarrassed as I seen people passing me by. I went back to my apartment, I didn't want to feel even more embarrassed tomorrow when all my things be sitting outside. I start packing clothes and a blanket. I didn't have much here anyway just a sofa, bed, pots, picture hanging from the wall, and a small table for a toddler.

I got in my beat up car, and put me and Paris things in the trunk. I got a pillow and blanket. I laid Paris on the seat and wrapped her inside the blanket. I drove under the bridge, that's the least I could go I barely had gas. In plus no one would be able to tell I've been under the bridge.

The next morning I'm going to try hard to find me a job. I pushed my seat back and fell asleep. It felted very uncomfortable to sleep this way. I thought about the bed that was at my mom house which probably wasn't no longer there.

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