Soon To Be Mrs.Mel

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I sat at my desk with all the balloons and birthday cards. I was waiting on Que to come pick up Paris. He actually wanted to be in her life now and he was doing a good job.

Que would come to my house sometimes at night when he at his mom house, he would read to Paris and tell her funny stories. "Daddy!" I heard Paris say. I seen Que walk in with a cake and a envelope on top of the cake.

"Wow I seen you remembered my birthday. I didn't even tell you."
"I know the date never left my head. Call me when your done eating your cake, I have to go." I smiled.

When I seen Que walked off I seen my workers walking in. "Owee he so fine!" Lemon said. "Damn right." Ray said. (Ray is the gay guy btw.) "So watups with the cake." I opened the cake to cut pieces for my workers.

I opened my envelope and read the card. I'm tired of holding back. I hope you enjoy your cake. I wonder what he meant about holding back?

"I almost swallowed a ring." Ray gave me the ring and then everybody attention was on me. I place my hand over my mouth and gasped.
"Kristina!!" Lemon smiled. My eyes began to water. I being wanting Que to be this romantic my whole life, but was I really ready to marry him?

"I have to make a call." I ran out my office and then outside. At the moment I didn't knew what to do or say. Que put me through a lot of shit. "What the hell is wrong with you Que? Why would you do this to me?" A tear began rolling down my cheek.

"Kristina I love you. I know I made the biggest mistake in life. I wish I could take it back. I want to be their for you and Paris. We could start a family, just give me a chance Kristina."
"I can't Que. I'm pregnant with someone else child it wouldn't work out." I wipe my tear.

"Kristina that don't mean nothing. I could take care of the baby and treat it like it's mine. Just tell me an answer Kristina and please don't let it be a no."  I stared at the ring.

"I'm sorry Que, I just can't." Que hung up the phone in my face. I knew he was mad, this probably was the end of our friendship. I seen Que pulled up in his car. My heart began beating 3xs faster. 

"Kristina." Que got down on his knees and a lot of people stop to watch.
"I love you with all my heart. I should have just did this in person and not over the phone. Your the mother of my child. If I could take everything back just to be with you I will. Please Kristina marry me."
"Aww." Random people said. From the looks of it I could tell Que was serious and he really changed.

"Alright. Yes I will marry you." A smile spread across his face. He place the ring on my finger and pick me up.
"The lady of my dreams said she would marry me." He spin me around in circles while the people cheered. I kiss him on his lips. For a second I forgot about Walter. It just felted so right being in Que arms.

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