King Henderson

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We arrived to the hospital, at this point blood was all over my hands and underneath my dress.
"She in labor please get her help right away." Walter said calmly.
"Okay sir." The nurse came with a wheelchair. I sat in the wheelchair and slung my head back.
"I could feel the baby coming. Its coming." I yelled trying to prevent from coming.

Once they got me into a room they place me on the bed.
"On the next contraction we're going to ask you to push as hard as you can."
"Its here."
"On three pushed."
I gave all my effort and pushed.
"Just one more time." The nurse said.

"I cant do it. I can't." I cried. It hurted very badly when I pushed.
"Your going to have to push Kristina." Walter said looking disgusting.
This time I gave it my all and pushed.

"Such a precious baby boy. Would you like to cut the cord." They turned their attention towards Walter. He nodded and cut the cord.
The nurse went to the back with my baby.
"Damn it Kristina your pregnant again by him and he couldn't even show up at the hospital."

"First off he not his, second off stop talking about him. He might of fucked up in the pass but do you see him fucking up now?" I folded my arms, Walter eyes grew big.
"Then who the baby for? Don't tell me you went back to prostitution." As bad as I wanted to slap Walter I just couldn't.
"No! He's yours!"
"Mines... Wait how?" I rolled my eyes at his stupid question.

"How? By sex Walter." A smile spreaded across his face.
"Why you didn't tell me Kristina?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Maybe because I was mad."
A knock on the door and Que walk in.

I began blushing hard.
"Why you didn't tell me you went into labor." Que place a kiss on my forehead.
"Because it's not yours." Walter spat.
"I'm getting sick and tired of you my boy. What you want your one?" Que said pulling up his pants.

"You guys stop it! Stop acting like some fucking kids." I snap. They both grew quiet and then the nurse brought in the baby.
"Where Paris at?" I smiled as I paid attention to my new edition.
"Out in the waiting room. We about to get the house clean for you." Que said leaving out.

Walter beat me into picking up our handsome little guy.
"What is we going to name him?" He asked.
"King Henderson." I smiled.
"I love that name." Walter said  handing me our baby.
"He look just like you." I said touching the baby nose and then Walter nose.

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