Madly In Love

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Lately I have been having a lot of sex with Walter. I knew Walter felted guilty because he already had a wife. I felted guilty too. I laid on the car as Walter pulled up his pants. We was in his garage which was crazy, his wife could have came in and busted us.

"I love you." Walter said giving me a kiss. "I love you more." I blushed. I seen the smile appeared on his face. "Well since we going behind your fiancé back. I've been thinking, maybe you should take the ring from her and give it to me." The words slipped out so fast.

"Kristina is you crazy? This is why I didn't wanted to get involved having sex with you."
"What do you mean? You know I'm madly in love with you. I treat you like a wife. I cook for you, clean for you, iron your clothes, and pick out your ties."

"Yeah Kristina I know but I can't do that to Carolyn, she been around more then you. Our weeding is in 2 more weeks."
"Did you use me for sex and to play house keeping while your fiancé was out partying? I mean all she ever do is go out and party. I think she seeing someone else."

"Really, you going to use that against her?" I seen Walter face turning red. "No I'm just saying, look at her she don't look better then me, she can't do the things I do, and she can't treat you like I treat you." I touched his chest, he grabbed my hand and slung it.

"The only reason why you could do all those things is because you was a prostitute. Carolyn never thought about been a prostitute, so of course she can't do certain things! It's not even about the looks Kristina!"

The words broke my heart. "Of course of course she can't have children! If she could have children and you left her she would have been on the same road I've been on."

"No, your baby daddy was just so damn stupid. He left y'all ass and didn't look back. I won't dare leave Carolyn behind and I know she have my child. I know she can't have children we can always adopt!"

I laughed at him. "Why your with me then if you care about Carolyn so much!" I waited for an answer. "Because your a prostitute and I know you would have gave it up in two point one seconds. My wife was right you is a whore, never leave your girl for the night for the whore of the night." I slapped him as hard as I could and then I walked off.

I sat down on the bed as I seen Paris, "how your day was with the nanny?" "Great mommy." "You like staying with your dad?" "Yeah it was nice, I have a castle room." I smiled as I pulled out a book. "Princess in the frog."

I start reading to her as she read along with me. I kissed her on the forehead, and placed her in her bed. Maybe I'm really is a whore that's what everybody else see me as, a stinky whore who use to sell her body to keep a roof over her child head.

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