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"it will be fun, he said. you need to get out of your room and meet with people. yeah, you could've at least introduced me to your boyfriend before leaving me, dumbass." wooyoung was mumbling under his breath bottoming another cup with unknown content in the kitchen of the big house.

his best friend convinced him to go to this party, but left him the moment he saw his boyfriend. wooyoung was already regretting his decision, considering the fact that he was alone and getting drunk after being here for less than half an hour.

he hasn't even drank before, but alcohol was the only thing he saw in the kitchen and it was too hot to overthink what he was going to do.

after drinking one cup, he kinda liked the taste of the liquid so he just refilled his plastic cup a few more times. he didn't know his alcohol tolerance so he just drank a cup after cup and here he was walking through the sweaty dancing bodies, his feet almost giving him up.

he danced with a few girls and boys, but he got bored and went to find his best friend. after he did, he saw the boy was in the middle of something with his boyfriend so he decided to go to the bathroom instead.

he was wandering through the halls of the house, opening different doors, coming in on some couples making out, seeing more naked bodies than he expected. when he finally found the bathroom, he closed the door and stood in front of the mirror.

"ah, yeosang, you're gonna pay for this you-" he was interrupted by the opening of the door. "hey, don't you know how to knock? what if i was taking a shower or something?"

he tried to look serious, but he was too drunk to even stand on his feet. he glanced at the boy who was now in front of him and checked him out. he would lie if he said he wasn't hot.

"well you're not, right? or do you want to shower with me, cutie?"

the boy put his hands around wooyoung's waist, pulling him closer as he smirked. "what are you doing? don't you know what personal space is?" wooyoung tried to push him away, but the other boy was stronger.

"what? you're not going to let me go?" he tilted his head and looked at him questioning. "do you want to fuck instead then?" where did that even come from?

wooyoung couldn't believe he said that. the other boy just smirked before grabbing his hand and walking out of the bathroom, followed by wooyoung.

"where are you taking me you handsome pervert?" wooyoung seriously needed to stop talking. the other boy just looked back at him with a wide grin on his face.

"you said you want me to fuck you and that's what i'm planning to do, cutie." he opened a door, which led to one of the many bedrooms in the house and pushed wooyoung inside, closing the door behind him.

the boy didn't let him say anything and put his hands around wooyoung's neck, kissing him harshly. wooyoung tried to protest, but the boy pinned his hands on the wall, one hand still on his neck. the boy was taller and stronger than him so there was no point in trying to fight him.

wooyoung thought he would just go with the flow, even though he knew he was going to regret this the next day. he kissed the other back and let a small moan when the boy bit his lower lip, letting his tongue into his mouth.

the taller let wooyoung's hands free and put his hand on his waist, gluing their bodies together. "you know, you look pretty when you're drunk, cutie." he backed away just to take a better look at the smaller boy.

wooyoung felt his cheeks burn and he looked away from the other boy, not wanting him to see. alas he had another plan, so he used his two fingers to turn wooyoung's head to face him.

"you're cute when you blush." he smirked and kissed him once again, leading them to the large bed, one hand still on wooyoumg's waist, while he put the other in his hair.

the next thing wooyoung knew he was almost fully naked, only his underwear left, while the other boy left wet kisses on his whole body.

soon they both were fully naked and that's when it hit wooyoung. he was going to have sex with a stranger, on a party, so drunk he would probably forget most of the night.

"don't worry, cutie." the taller read his thoughts and caressed wooyoung's cheek. "i'll be gentle." a second later, without even letting him prepare himself, the boy put a finger in wooyoung.

he arched his back and let a loud moan, not used to this new feeling. "are you okay, cutie?" the boy asked, putting another finger, before he could even answer.

he then put a third finger and twisted a bit before getting all three out, hearing another moan from wooyoung. "f-fuck me already, coward. I'm not-"

he couldn't finish as he felt the boy inside him, a loud moan coming out of his mouth. "sorry, cutie. it'll be better in a few." the boy moved slowly, letting wooyoung adjust to the feeling.

"f-faster..." wooyoung didn't believe he was actually enjoying this. "are you sure, cu-" "just do it!"

the boy smirked as he looked at wooyoung. "you'll never forget this night, cutie." as he said that he quickened his pace, making the boy under him go crazy.


so um hey guys, i finally started writing this and i can't believe what my mind came up with but yeah enjoy. ^^

writer out

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