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after around half an hour the house was clean again and the three boys sat on the large leather coach. "so, are you hosting parties often or..." wooyoung started, breaking the silence as he felt uneasy to just sit there.

"well, no actually. we do it every year on the same day since a few years ago." jongho started. "is there a particular reason?" a frown spread on the younger's face as he looked down and started playing with his fingers. "if it's personal, you don't have to answer."

wooyoung hurried to say so the boy didn't feel pressured. "it's our parents' passing anniversary." san said, leaning back and looking at the ceiling. wooyoung snapped his head, a worried look on his face. "i'm so sorry, i shouldn't have asked." he put his hand on san's and the taller looked at him.

"don't worry. it's just that it feels lonely to be here just the two of us on this day. that's why we've been doing these parties." wooyoung nodded in understanding and the silence fell down again. "it's getting late, so i'm gonna go to my room." the youngest spoke. "san, walk wooyoung to one of the guestrooms and don't do anything stupid, okay?"

jongho stood up from his seat on the coach and went upstairs to his room. san scoffed and then sighed, resting his head on wooyoung's shoulder, the other's cheeks burning red."what do you think you are doing? get up and show me my room or i'm gonna kick your ass!"

"can you fuck my ass instead?" wooyoung gasped and stood up, letting san's head fall on the coach. "i'm gonna pretend i didn't hear that." wooyoung blinked a few times as he crossed his arms. "come on, i'm tired."

san groaned as he stood up and started walking to a room on the second floor. "wait, your room is right in front of mine, i asked for the furthest one."

"just shup up and get in, cutie. you either sleep here or in the one whitch was used by some horny guys. and just so you know, we haven't cleaned it yet." san smirked at wooyoung's shocked expression as he turned to enter his room. "wait here, i'm gonna get you some comfortable clothes to change in."

with that being said, san entered his room and came back a few seconds later with a pair of cargo pants and a loose t-shirt. "here, the bathroom is there if you forgot." he turned to get in his room as he was reminded of something. "also, this." he extended his arm, putting wooyoung's hook earring on top of the clothes.

"t-thanks...and goodnight." wooyoung looked at him with a small smile. "goodnight, wooyoung." san went into his room and closed the door, leaving wooyoung alone in the hallway, his cheeks as red as a tomato.

the boy shook his head and turned around, walking to the bathroom. "calm down, wooyoung. jongho's here too, san's not gonna do anything."

wooyoung shook his head again and looked in the mirror, putting his earring on. he then stripped from his clothes and changed into the ones san gave him. after he was done he went into his room and plopped on the bed, sighing.

"i can't believe i'm actually going to sleep here again. i can't believe my friends actually left me here." wooyoung grabbed his phone and texted his best friend.

where did you go, idiot?

what do you want, woo?

don't you think you forgot something at the party?


your best friend maybe??

shit, i thought you already left!
are you still there??
should i come pick you up?

i'm actually
...staying here for the night

you sure about this?

yeah, don't worry.
did you know san is jongho's brother?

wait, he is what?!
you mean
you're staying in that house again
with him

i'm gonna be fine
we're sleeping in different rooms
don't worry

night woo~

wooyoung put his phone on the nightstand and got himself comfortable on the bed, laying under the blanket. he stared at the ceiling for a little, before drifting to sleep.


wooyoung heard a knock on his door and opened his eyes slowly, groaning after seeing how early it was. he then heard a chuckle from the outside. "i'm coming in!" before he even opened his mouth to answer, san opened the door and walked to wooyoung's bed.

"good morning, cutie. here, i brought you some clothes. also, breakfast is ready, so you can come downstairs when you're ready." san smiled at him and wooyoung only nodded, yawning.

the taller left the room and wooyoung got up, grabbing the clothes and making his way to the bathroom. he ran his hand through his hear as he looked in the mirror, noticing there was a note at the top right corner.

"i left you a clean toothbrush to use. it's in the commode on the right.

san <3"

wooyoung smiled and opened the said commode to get the toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. he brushed his teeth and washed his face, then he changed his clothes. when he was ready he walked out of the bathroom and downstairs. he was met by the two brothers, sitting by the kitchen table, waiting for him.

"good morning, woo, did you sleep well? this pervert didn't do anything, right?" san glared at his brother and wooyoung chuckled. "no, he didn't bother me at all and i slept perfectly fine."

he sat next to jongho and the three started eating in silence. "so, um, i heard it's not your first time sleeping here." wooyoung chocked on his bread as he heard that and hurried to drink some juice. san glared at his brother as he patted the other's back.

"i'm sorry, yeosang texted me and told me to look after you. i was wondering why he was so worried and...y-yeah." jongho put his hand on the back of his head as he smiled sheepishly. "i-i'm gonna go call him and tell him everything's okay."

jongho grabbed his phone and rushed out of the kitchen, leaving the two blushing boys alone.


another update here! enjoy <3

writer out

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