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"are you feeling better?" yeosang asked, as he sat on his bed next to wooyoung, who was hugging his legs, his eyes focused on the wall. the younger just shook his head, making yeosang sigh in defeat. "it's been two days, woo. san hasn't stopped calling me and is worried sick about you. can't you-"

"yeosang, stop." wooyoung finally spoke with a weak voice. he hadn't eaten nor drunk much in these two days. his face was pale, his lips slightly chapped, and he had dark circles under his eyes. he stayed in yeosang's room, as his roommate was away for some time, but didn't go to any of his lectures. "i'm not ready to face him. i can't..."

yeosang wrapped his hands around wooyoung, caressing his head, as the dark haired snuggled in him. "he wanted me to give you something." he said, as he pulled away. wooyoung nodded and yeosang gave him a usb. "what is this?" the younger looked at his hand, then back at yeosang. "see for yourself."

the pink haired smiled as wooyoung got up to get his laptop. he turned it on and plugged the usb in. a single folder was in there and it contained a minute long video. the dark haired clicked on it and a smiling san, looking into the camera, could be seen.

"hey, cutie. i don't know if you still want me to call you that, but it calms me so bare with me, okay?" wooyoung smiled slightly, his eyes getting teary, as he heard the voice of his boyfriend. "i miss you, woo. i know it's only been two days and you probably need time, but still, i miss you so much. i just wanted you to know that i'll wait for you. when you feel ready to talk, just come to me, okay? i know yeosang's with you, but i can't help but feel worried about you. just take care of yourself, and don't skip your meals. i'll get going now, i hope you're okay, cutie."

wooyoung smiled through his tears as the video ended. he missed san and wanted to feel him close so badly, but he couldn't. he knew he couldn't just go to him and be selfish after what he had found out about the other day. he turned his laptop off and put it away, burying his face in the pillow once again.


"san, calm down. you're gonna make a hole in the floor with all this pacing in circles." jongho tried to calm his brother down, but the other just ignored him and went into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. "listen to him, san. worrying won't solve anything." hongjoong said from his place next to jongho on the coach.

"how can i not worry, hyung? how can i stay calm when wooyoung is struggling by himself and not letting me even go near him?" san went back into the living room and sat in one of the armchairs, burying his face in his hands. "what if he won't see me ever again? what if he hates me? was it my fault, did i do something?" he looked at the two with teary eyes.

"stop, it's not your fault." hongjoong knelt in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder. "then why is he hiding from me? why isn't he letting me be there for him?" the raven haired looked at his friend, the older wiping his tears away. "it's going to be alright, okay? just give him some time."


a few more days passed and wooyoung finally decided it was time to return to his daily life. he went to school and met his friends. they, of course, attacked him with questions and tried to get him to tell them what was wrong, but he just brushed it away and changed the topic, saying he was okay.

then he saw san.

he tried to avoid him so bad, but he knew they would eventually meet, and it was now. the older stopped in his tracks, as he saw wooyoung's pale face. he felt tears in his eyes as he went straight to the younger, wrapping his hands around him and pulling him close to his body. "i'm so glad to see you." san said, his head buried in wooyoung's neck. the younger tried to stop himself, but his hands found their way around san's waist.

"god, you've lost weight. i told you to take care of yourself." the raven haired pulled away and caressed his cheek, looking worriedly at his face. wooyoung just stood there, frozen. he couldn't believe how caring san was. he knew the older boy was hurt, because he didn't let him see him for almost a week, but here was san, still worrying about wooyoung first.

"i'm okay. and i'm sorry." wooyoung faked a smile, but san just shook his head, pulling him into a hug again. the younger let himself be selfish for the last time and wrapped his hands around the other, letting his tears fall, as san made circles on his back with his fingers.


"are you ready to talk?" san asked as he put a hand on wooyoung's tigh. they went to the younger's dorm room after school so wooyoung could talk to his boyfriend. he took a deep breath and nodded. "i want you to listen to me now and then decide what to do. just know i'm sorry."

"i'm getting worried, woo. what's going on?" wooyoung smiled sadly and sat on his bed looking at the floor. "the morning when i left your hause, without a word, i got a call from my mom. it was my dad's birthday so we needed to prepare some things to bring to him. i was going to call you later but i couldn't. look, san, my dad...he's...in jail. i've never told you about this, because it's not something to be proud of and you didn't ask, but...some things followed that made this whole thing worse and i- i-"

tears rolled down wooyoung's cheeks as he recalled that day. san hurried to put a hand on his shoulder and pull him closer, the younger crying in his chest.


i hope you like the chapter, babes <3

writer out

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