twenty two

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san rolled in bed and groaned as he heard a knock on the door. "are you expecting anyone?" he asked, as wooyoung opened his eyes and looked around, confused. "no."

"i'll get it." san smiled and pecked the younger's lips, as he got up from the bed and put on some clothes. "oh, good, you're here too." yeosang popped his head through the door.

"yeosang, what are you doing here so early?" wooyoung groaned from his bed. "sorry to disturb you two lovebirds, but i'm here to invite you to seonghwa's party tomorrow night."

san looked at wooyoung with a mischievous smile and the smaller jumped out of the bed with the blanket around him. "no. we all know parties aren't my thing."

"come on, why not? we've already fucked numerous times, so it's not gonna change anything, cutie." wooyoung threw a pillow at the taller and he groaned in pain, yeosang laughing quietly, as he still stood at the door. "san! can you not expose us like that?"

"it's not like we don't know what you two are doing. and plus, even now you're naked, wooyoung." yeosang laughed even harder as the younger threw a pillow at him too. san joined him and wooyoung angrily stomped to the bathroom with clothes in his hand, the blanket still wrapped around him. "i'm mad at you both. and no party for me." he said and hid in the bathroom.

"well, i guess i won't see you there, too?" yeosang asked with a frown, as san patted his shoulder. "yeah, sorry, yeo. i need to stay with him."

"yeah, yeah, go make love as always." he waved goodbye and went on his way, leaving a smiling san to close the door. the raven haired sat back on the bed and sighed with a smile. "for your information, i'm not going to the party either." he shouted for wooyoung to hear him in the bathroom.

a few seconds passed and there was no answer. "come on, i said i'm not going. you're not really mad at me, are you?" there still was no answer and instead a loud thud was heard. "wooyoung? are you alright there?"

san didn't wait to hear an answer and went to open the bathroom door, only to see wooyoung, lying on the floor, unconscious. his face was pale and his lips had lost their color. "wooyoung!" the taller ran in and sat on the floor next to his boyfriend, putting the younger's head on his lap. "wooyoung, wake up. what's wrong? wooyoung!" he shook his body, but the smaller's eyes were still closed.

"dammit." san slid his hands under wooyoung's back and knees and held him up, walking out of the bathroom. he put the younger on the bed and tried waking him up once again, but there was no result. san then grabbed his phone and dialed yeosang's number.

"did you change your mind?" he asked from the other line. "yeosang, come back here, now!" san was on the verge of crying, but tried to calm down. "is everything alright?"

"no, it's not! just come here, please." he put his phone on the bed next to him and held wooyoung's hand. a second later the door was opened by yeosang. "what's wrong?"

"wooyoung passed out. i don't know what happened." the raven haired's voice cracked, as he sobbed quietly, yeosang running to him. "hey, hey, it's okay. let's bring him to the hospital. you carry him, i'm gonna tell seonghwa to get the car ready."

san nodded and the two went out of the room, yeosang locking the door for san and dialing seonghwa at the same time. they went to the parking lot, san carrying wooyoung to the car. "what happened?" seonghwa's worried voice was heard as they all got in the vehicle.

"i-i don't know, h-he just passed out." san held wooyoung in the backseat, while yeosang and seonghwa were in the front. the oldest drove to the hospital as fast as he could and soon they arrived. the raven haired got out of the car with wooyoung in his hands, not waiting for the other two, as he hurried to enter the building.

a nurse came they way just then and called a doctor, as she saw them. in seconds wooyoung was put on a stretcher and taken away to somewhere. san wanted to go with him, but the nurses stopped him and he was left waiting, alongside his two friends.

"i'm sorry, but you have to wait here until we do some tests." one of the nurses said before she followed the others. san couldn't stand on his legs anymore and fell on the floor, letting his tears fall.

"hey, it's going to be alright." seonghwa reassured him, as yeosang sobbed quitely and hugged him. san just shook his head, his tears unstoppable.


half an hour passed.

san calmed down a bit and was now siting on a chair, waiting for the doctors, seonghwa and yeosang on each of his sides. a few more minutes passed and a doctor and a nurse came out of one of the rooms, san jumping out of his seat.

"your friend is okay." the doctor said and san sighed in relief. "then why did he pass out?" he still asked.

"it was mostly due to stress, but his blood pressure was also low. it looks like he hasn't eaten well the past days." san was taken aback by this. he thought wooyoumg was doing okay now that they talked to his father, he didn't notice something was wrong with his boyfriend and was mad at himself for this. "it's not something serious, he just needs to eat regularly and take care of himself. you can see him now."

san didn't wait anymore to enter the room. he opened the door and rushed to the hospital bed, his boyfriend's eyes pointed at his hands. the taller didn't even wait for the other to see him to embrace him in a tight hug, a sob escaping his mouth.

"san, i'm okay." the older just tightened his hold around him and sobbed harder. "sannie?" wooyoung pushed him away to wipe his tears with his thumbs, cupping san's cheeks. "don't you ever scare me like this again."

with that the raven haired pulled him in a hug again, caressing his head. wooyoung wrapped his arms around him and hid his head in the crook of the taller's neck.


hey, hey, hope you like the chapter :)

writer out

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