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the rest of wooyoung's classes went by fast and fortunately he saw san in just one of them. he felt the other boy staring at him across the room the whole time but he tried to ignore him.

the bell rang and wooyoung almost ran out of the room, not wanting to stay in there with san. he walked down the hallway making his way to his friends when he felt an arm around his.

he turned his head to see the one person he tried to avoid all day. "why are you running away from me, cutie? it hurts my pride to see my lover boy avoiding me."

wooyoung almost chocked and his eyes widened. "what part of 'i don't want to have anything to do with you' you didn't understand? and i'm not your lover boy nor anything else."

"okay, i'm sorry. can't we be at least friends?" san looked at him with an innocent smile and wooyoung removed his hand. "i don't want to." he turned away to continue walking but was stopped by a voice.

"and what if i tell you i liked what happened between us that night? and that i like you?" wooyoung swore his cheeks couldn't get any hotter. his heart was pounding in his chest as he turned to face san. "w-what?"

why was he getting excited? he tried to calm his heart as he looked into the taller's eyes. san stepped forward and grabbed wooyoung's hand in his about to say something else before he was interrupted.

"sannie!" a high-pitched female voice came from a few steps away as san turned around to see his ex girlfriend. "why didn't you tell me you were transferring here?" she basically jumped on him, putting her arms on his shoulders as she tried to kiss him but was pushed away.

"yeah i see you like a lot of people, playboy." wooyoung scoffed and turned away, walking to his friends with glossy eyes from the tears he didn't even know he was holding. "wooyoung, wait! ah, chaeyeong i told you we are over and you should stop running after me!"

san ran his hand through his hair in frustration as he watched the other boy walk away. "wooyoung, what's wrong?" one of his friends asked as he saw his teary eyes. "and who was this guy?"

wooyoung sighed and invited his friends to his dorm room so they could talk. "okay." he started as he sat on his bed. by the time he finished his story, his friends were watching him with blank expressions.

"you mean, you - the innocent and definitely not outgoing jung wooyoung - not only went to a party but also slept with a stranger?" one of his friends chuckled.

"yes, yunho, and all of that was yeosang's fault." wooyoung glared at him and yeosang scoffed. "it's not my fault you dumbass drank so much!"

"okay okay, both of you calm down." yunho stood up from his place on the bed. "what happened can't be changed, so why don't you just befriend him? at least he's not going to be a stranger to you anymore." he shrugged and sat back on the end of the bed.

"yeah, who knows? maybe you'll get the chance to fuck with him again at another party." yeosang smirked and wooyoung threw a pillow at him.

"but why did you tell him you're not gay?" another boy asked and everyone looked at him with tired expressions. "what? you fucked with him - a boy - and then you told him you're not into boys?"

"mingi, please. adults are talking." yunho shut him, making the other glare at him. "you said something else when we were in your room last night." mingi answered with a smirk, seeing how yunho's cheeks turned bright red.

"okay, too much information. we don't need to know when you fuck." yeosang stood up from his chair and the three started arguing about what they do with their boyfriends, leaving wooyoung with his thoughts.

"go argue somewhere else, i'm tired." wooyoung finally said, opening the door for his friends. "no, no, no. we're getting you ready for tonight's party. mingi, call hongjoong to come, we'll need him to make this thing look like a human." yeosang closed the door and pulled his friend's arm as mingi did what he was told.

"hey! and no! i went to one party in my life and it was more than enough. go without me." wooyoung layed on his bed. "you can bring san if you want."

after a few minutes of arguing and teasing, wooyoung was convinced by his friends to go to this party. but he definitely wasn't drinking this time. soon there was a knock on the door and yeosang opened it, welcoming a short, red haired guy, who probably was hongjoong. "okay, what's the case?" all the boys pointed at wooyoung and he clapped his hands, smiling.

hongjoong dressed the dark haired up with tight black jeans and a loose black t-shirt which he had brought with him. yunho and mingi gave him some accessories and yeosang completed the look with a simple reddish eyeshadow, eyeliner and lip tint. his hair was slightly wavy and looked fluffy on his head.

"wow, you look hot!" mingi smirked, earning a punch in the arm from yunho. "okay, we're ready to go." yeosang cut them and clapped his hands.

they all went to the parking lot and got into yeosang's car. after a few minutes they were standing in front of the door of the same big house from last year. "yeosang, what the actual fuck is this?"

wooyoung tried to stay calm, glaring at his best friend. if this was a dream, it was a nightmare. "ha ha didn't i tell you where the party was? oops." he rubbed the back of his head nervously as he looked down. wooyoung was ready to hit him but yunho and mingi stopped him. "what's wrong, am i missing something?" hongjoong asked confused, not knowing about the whole situation. "we'll tell you later." yunho whispered for wooyoung to not hear.

it was going to be a long night.


i hope you like this.^^

i have a few chapters written, so i'll start updating more often!

writer out

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